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"Don't die?" You scoffed at his words. He took off his cloak before wrapping it onto your wounds. He gripped the spear on your chest hesitantly before he began to pull it out, making you grab his shirt in pain as you gasped out. Your breath quickened. "Deidara that hurts" you breathed out in pain. Deidara eyed you. "I'm not letting you go, un" he said as he continued to pull out the spear. You could tell he was trying to be gentle but he was painfully slow. You grabbed the spear before yanking it out, causing some blood to splatter across Deidara's face and your cloak.

You choked as pain filled your chest. You didn't expect it to hurt that much. The anbu managed to miss any serious spots like the heart or lungs. You sigh as Deidara presses down on your chest wound. "Deidei.." you called out quietly. "If I don't make it-" "shut up, un." Deidara quickly cut you off, showing a panicked smile. "I-" you couldn't finish the sentence. The words were stuck in your throat. Deidara quickly picked you up before carrying you back to the base. He sat down on the ground before leaning you onto his shoulder.

Deidara loudly sighed. "Sometimes you can be a big burden, yeah" he said as he looked at you, his fingers gently running through your hair and ruffling it slightly. "Not true" you rasped out, your eyes slowly closing as you felt tired. Deidara looked at you before he planted a small peck onto your cheeks. You nearly choked at his actions. "Did you just-" you were about to ask until Deidara covered your mouth with his hand, careful not to put his whole palm onto your face so his hands didn't literally lick your mouth.

"nobody needs to talk about this, un" Deidara smiled playfully and you couldn't help but to chuckle and close your eyes, falling into slumber.


You gasped awake and looked around, noticing you were in the base. You gripped your chest in pain and you notice Deidara zoning out next to you. You touched your own lips gently and tried to figure out if it was a dream. You just told yourself that this wasn't some sort of fairy tail and you somehow managed to say no to death and earn a kiss from somebody you loved.

Deidara and you finally met eyes and he just widely smiled at you, clearly knowing what you were thinking. "Liked the feeling of it, yeah?" Deidara's smile turned into a teasing smirk and he teasingly licked his lips in an attempt to seduce you. You blushed madly before turning away. Deidara's ocean blue eyes stared at you, knowing his teasing had worked. He now knew you liked him without even having you to speak.

You tensed up as you felt watched, very, very intensely. Deidara sensed it after you and began to look around. You two looked up to see Tobi on the top of the cave, staring down at you two. "T-ToBI!" You hissed in anger, voice cracking lightly. "Tobi thinks this is cute!" He called and you just hid your face in your arms, a wave of embarrassment washing over you. 

"Tobi.." Deidara growled before he placed his hands into his bags. "I'm going to kill you!" He yelled as he pointed at Tobi. Tobi paused before he waved his arms. "Calm down, Deidara-senpai!" He called before Deidara sighed. "We should let everybody else know that our mission was a success, un" he said before you three sat down and put your hands together. You were summoned along with everybody. "We have captured the three tails, un" Deidara announced. "I captured it!" Tobi cut in, loud as usual. "Good" Pain spoke. "Hidan, Kakuzu and Y/N will now go capture the nine tails." He then announced. You eyed Deidara and saw that he looked visibly angry at the choice. He was the first one to disappear before you did the same. Deidara threw his arms into the air, sighing

"be careful around Hidan, un." Deidara warned. "He's a big freak" Deidara finished before he gave you a gentle hug, clearly not wanting to let you go. "Don't try to die again, Y/N." Deidara told you before he released you. "Die? Not yet." You said with a smile before you walked out to meet up with Hidan and Kakuzu.

You sighed. You didn't work on your new jutsu yet. The truth was, you were an amazing healer but you refused to use it. It's not like anybody mattered to you until now. It takes a day before you make it to the meeting spot of Hidan and Kakuzu. You sighed with exhaustion before you looked up to see two people. One had almost his whole face hidden while he had red and green eyes. You eyed the other one and instantly knew it was Hidan.

The way he smiled. It just told you he was sadistic. But he wasn't even bad looking. His hair was slickly pulled back and he had beautiful colored eyes. You eyed them both before you bit your bottom lip. "So this is the girl.." the one you guess to be Kakuzu spoke up. "She looks like she might be a perfect sacrifice for lord Jashin" Hidan said, his voice like silk as he walked over to you.

(Next chapter will include some— uh— nono stuff— in a meaning some lemon but not exactly. Nah- it's lemon so get your rape whistle ready while I turn this story to mature content

And I'm pretty sure I'm messing up the order they captured the beasts but please forgive me-)))

And hey- new book cover!

 And hey- new book cover!

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 So you likely-likely?

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So you likely-likely?

Deidara x Reader (Love is a bang)Where stories live. Discover now