You woke up from the sound of your clay bird roughly shifting, trying to wake you up. You shifted to see an island and yawned before your bird began to land on the grass. You knew there was a barrier and made your bird disappear before you pulled out a different bird and put your hands together and made a few hand signs. With a puff of smoke, you changed into a sparrow. You flew around, eyeing the area. When you got near a building, you saw the people looking for any trespassers and nodded. They wouldn't notice you as long as you stayed like this.You chirped, acting like a bird. You flew towards the building and landed on one of the windows to see an empty room. You slammed your beak onto the window and made rapid clicking noises until a stranger walked into the room headed towards the window. As he the person saw the sparrow you were, his eye softened before he leaned in, interested. A kunai flew towards you and you were about to scream. If you dodged, it would probably pierce the person and kill them. If that happened, it wouldn't end out ugly for you, but you didn't need attention. You gathered chakra to your wings before widely flapping and making the kunai fly away. You flew off, not wanting to get caught.
"Maybe a day like this and I can change back to normal self and hide" you whispered, filled with energy from your nap from earlier. You folded in your wings and let out another chirp. "It's a sparrow!" You heard a yell and sighed. You put your hands together before turning back to yourself. You folded your akatsuki cloak and put it down. As you leaned back, you heard an explosion and jolted up.
"Maybe it's Kisame." You huffed before you sat up and hopped off of the tree and began to head towards the explosion, which was where the waterfall was if you remembered correctly. You froze as you definitely saw Kisame with others, fighting.
You hid in the shadows for awhile and stayed hidden as Kisame fought them off. "What was my mission again?" You hummed, staring as Kisame quickly swam off.
Naruto sharply turned to you walked up to the tree you leaned onto and gasped "Y/N-Chan!" A his familiar voice spoke which made you look up "Naruto?" You hummed, leaning off the tree. "What are you doing here? Are you spying?" He said, defensively.
"Sadly, yes. But I'm not interesting in spying." You sighed. "Be careful though, the other member here has a scroll with information in it, I think. I'm just here to find him." You said, throwing a clay bird down and making it flap onto his shoulders by controlling it with your strings. "What happened to Sasuke" you soon asked, yanking the bird back. "He carried you away. I couldn't stop you" he replied, looking guilty.
"Don't worry. I'll find my freedom soon. You just get stronger and prepare for the upcoming war" you told him. "War?" He questioned and you just jolted up. "Hold up, you don't know about the war?" You asked, shocked. "Is that why you're here?" You asked, knowing he wouldn't know the answer to that. "Maybe it was just me. I think" you quickly spoke, rubbing your neck.
"Hmm.. if you say so" he said slowly before he rushed away. Probably to catch Kisame. "Man, they don't even consider me a threat" you frowned. "I'm also in the akatsuki. I don't get why I'm treated like I'm peaceful" you grumbled, fiddling with the bird on your wrist. It was then that you were wrapped in wood. You blinked and sighed. "Never mind then."
You looked up to see a man. (Aka lovely mister Yamato) "a wood user?" You questioned, studying the man. "You're a member of the akatsuki, aren't you?" He said, voice firm and including no emotions. "Maybe" you grinned, shifting lightly. "What, did you find my cloak? I want it back." You said, looking around. You soon wondered if Kisame got away. You eyed your hands. It was a good thing you could make the strings without doing any hand signs. You also had fire nature so that was going to be useful.

Deidara x Reader (Love is a bang)
Aktuelle LiteraturThis is a love story- it's a- Deidara x Reader ( x Sasuke) so if it's not your cup of tea, you may leave now. Anyways You are apart of Orochimaru's small group and you kill anybody near the base. As you roam around, You see a blonde haired person...