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"Flame release: flaming needles!" You yelled for what seemed like the fifteenth time if you remembered correctly. This was harder than the last jutsu because you had to produce little bits of chakra and shape it to something sharp before shooting it. You twisted your face slightly. This was getting boring. As you focused and formed the chakra into sharp needles, you shot it at a tree and saw the chakra catch on fire. Although it was small, it could do enough damage. "Ehh- good enough" you nod slowly with a smile.

You bent down and felt like you used a bit too much chakra. You sighed softly before you bit on your bottom lip. You pulled out a chakra bomb before crushing it in your hands. You exhaled as you felt energy flow through you. Upon hearing somebody walk near you, you turned around and saw Orochimaru with Sasuke. You forced yourself not to make a face at Sasuke and looked at Orochimaru. "Y/N-Chan" Orochimaru started and you just nodded softly and waited for him to go on. "I want you to go to the Konoha hidden leaf village and spy on somebody" he smirked before handing you a picture of a blonde with spiky hair and a forehead protector on his forehead. You looked up at Orochimaru in confusion. "You want me to spy on this boy?" You asked for reassurance and Orochimaru just chuckled. "He is the boy with the kyūbi in him. The akatsuki is bound to be after him so I want you to spy on him. You scratched the back of your neck before eyeing Sasuke who was behind Orochimaru, arms crossed as he glared down at you, or it felt like he was glaring down at you. You nodded. Anything to get away from you freaks. "Of course, Orochimaru-Sama" you dipped your head. "For this mission, I want you to change to some casual clothes and put a mask on for most of the time. Sneak in but don't gather attention. Make sure not to meet too much people. You don't have much attention but your still in the bingo book" He told me and you nodded before you went back to the base to change. You stuffed whatever needed for the journey and picked out clothes.

 You sighed in relief as you finally got to change out from those showy clothes

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You sighed in relief as you finally got to change out from those showy clothes. These were a bit girly but even if you hated them, you didn't want to gather attention by wearing shady and edgy clothes. But maybe it was backwards. Maybe wearing shady clothes wouldn't gather attention. You shrugged and left the base after informing Orochimaru. On the way out, you began to form a chakra ball. Somebody snatched the ball and you snapped your head sideways to see Sasuke. You really wanted to punch him. You saw the chakra disappear into him and you just sighed. "I guess you can have it" you muttered and crossed your arms. 'Hn' he scoffed and you just glared at him "please don't 'Hn' me- you just stole my chakra and now your laughing.." you said, your voice dying off as you decided that arguing with this black haired boy was pointless. As you walked away, you heard him speak up. "You better come back" and you just looked up and then back a bit. "Of course I will" you said, just loud enough for him to hear your voice. But what's it to him. It might make it easier for me if I just died.

You pinched yourself. That's something you weren't supposed to think about.

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