twenty four

462 26 13

Sunday, 9:30 AM

Jaehyun woke up hearing Ten playing the keyboard near his window. The sun is already beaming up the sky, but the blinds in Ten's window are still close, probably because Jaehyun was sleeping. The younger appreciated the gesture whilst looking at the older's back.

Ten was once again a playing a familiar song. The older always tells Jaehyun how he's not good with piano/keyboard, that the younger has always been more of the talented player amongst the two of them, but Jaehyun knows that's not true. Ten may not be as good as Jaehyun is (per their music teacher's judgment) but Ten has always been more of the sensitive player between the two of them. Jaehyun plays piano because he's good at it, whereas Ten plays only when he's in need of an outlet, that's why when he does play his piano/keyboard, it's always an emotional ride watching the older.

"Cat got your tongue, peach?" Ten asked Jaehyun without looking at him.

"What?" Jaehyun replied dumbly.

"Are you fully awake now or are you having one of those awake but still asleep moments?" Ten continued playing the keyboard but he stopped humming now.

"I am awake. What are you playing? It sounds familiar."

Ten looked at Jaehyun when he answered the question.

"I love you." Jaehyun almost spit the water he just drank from Ten's bedside table. His ears are starting to feel hot. /This shouldn't be happening?/

"Y-you what?" Curse his unstable nature around Ten. But Ten just looked at him without being able to read his expression.

"The title of the song. It's by Billie Eilish." Ten turned his back and started playing the piano again.

"Oh." Jaehyun, /once again/ answered dumbly.

"How's the head doing? No hangover?"

"Nothing. Surprisingly, I didn't drink that much yesterday."

Ten hummed, weighing the next statement (?) his about to say, if it's right, if he /has/ the right to.

"So you had sex with Yuta... sober?" It's still tasted bad in Ten's mouth. It doesn't feel right. /But it's none of your business, Ten reminded himself/

"Yeah. Don't worry about it. I can assure it's nothing emotional." That didn't reassured Ten in any way. But he'll be selfish if he will speak his mind out. Part of him acknowledges he doesn't find this  amusing because he cares about Jaehyun's well-being, but another part of him knows he's salty about it for reasons he doesn't want to address.

"Okay." Jaehyun raised his eyebrows. /That's it? No biting words about Yuta? Or how he's not doing it right?/

"Did you see Johnny last night?" Jaehyun automatically clinched his fist when he heard the bastard's name.

"Yeah, I did." Jaehyun tried to hide the angriness from his tone, and if Ten caught it he didn't address it either.

"Who was he with?" Another tricky question. Jaehyun thought of lying, but why would he protect Johnny?

"VJs. Lee Taeyong." Jaehyun observed Ten's back, any twitch, any small movement in the way he sits, but to no avail. Jaehyun forgot how Ten was good at hiding his emotions, especially those he doesn't want to deal with.

"Oh? I don't like Lee Taeyong. But it seems like I have to change that. Johnny seems friendly with him." No emotion. Monotone. Jaehyun almost wanted to scream. Ten's words are opposite of the way he's playing.

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