Chapter XXXI

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      I woke up feeling Jimin's arms wrapped around my body. Turning into my side, I stared at him and played with his hair.
     "Baby" I chuckled when Jimin suddenly talked with his cute voice
     "Kiss" Jimin said and opened his eyes
     "Why are you suddenly asking for a kiss– huh Mr. Park?" I said and we both chuckled
     Before I could say something, Jimin suddenly kissed me and got on top of me.

     "You two, it's time for breakfa–" Jin said as he suddenly opened the door
     "Oh god, I'm so sorry" He said and covered his eyes with his hands.

     Jimin and I chuckled as we fix ourselves.

     "It's alright Jin" I said as he remove the cover on his eyes
     "Well I just came here to tell you that the breakfast is ready but I think you're already having one" Jin said with his window wiping laugh and got out of my room

     Jin's word made my cheeks red as I look at Jimin

     "Now's not the time for it again, I guess" Jimin said and sighed that made me laugh

     Our day went well with Jin who kept on teasing Jimin and I.

     "Hello?– Appa?" Jimin stared at me as I stood up from the couch while the others continued to watch the movie.

     I didn't expect that my father-in-law; our dad will suddenly call me. He often call or message me about everything but I was just curious why he'd call me now.

     "Our daughter– how are you doing?" He asked and chuckled
     "I'm doing great– we're all doing great Appa. How about you? Mom and Jiyoon?" I smiled hearing mom talking on the other line
     "We're great. By the way, I called to ask you if all of you can come and visit us here. We miss you all. It's been a long time since we've seen you all" Our dad said with sadness on his tone.

     "Alright Appa. I'll talk to them, to dad and especially to Jimin" I was startled when Jimin wrapped his arms around my waist and whisper on my right ear

     "Talk about what, baby?"
     "It's Appa. Here–" I chuckled and gave him the phone as he and his dad talk to each other while Jimin rest his chin on my shoulder.

     "I understand. Yes– of course Dad. Okay bye. Take care. We miss you" Jimin said and hung up the call
     "We’re going to Korea right?" I said excitedly
     "Sure baby but we'll talk to your dad first"
He said while smiling and gave me a peck on my lips.

     "Everyone, we're going to Korea!" Jimin exclaimed as all of them on the couch excitedly cheered.

     The day after Appa and I talked to each other, I immediately told Dad about it and ask if it's fine– if he's going to be alright without me for the company and he said yes. He told us that he'll just follow anytime if he has time.

      We're supposed to ride our private jet cause dad wanted to but we've decided that we'll just ride the private jet of DEJU Airways instead, owned by yours truly, Drette Jung.

     "Take care sweetie and your baby, all of you. I'll miss you. Love you so much" Dad said as we bid our goodbyes before the jet's take off

      "Yey! I'm so excited! Let's go to Namsan tower again and this time, let's travel to Jeju. Also, we'll be having a photoshoot at Gyeongbokgung Palace; all of us and!– everyone can't say no!" We all chuckled at Drette who's standing in front as her smile didn't leave her lips

     "You're too excited love!" Taehyung exclaimed and chuckled
     "Remember, we have pregnant woman here" Hobi said and I looked at him
     "But I can still do all of those things Hobi" I pouted and all of them laugh
     "Of course but we still need to be careful" Jungkook said with his bunny smile
     "Stop that bunny smile Kookie, I might fall for you" I said and laughed
     "Hey! I won't let that happen!" Our laughter became more loud when Jimin suddenly covered my eyes.

Everything seems so perfect right now.

     "Everyone wake up" Namjoon said as he clap his hands
     "Why? We've already arrived? Yoongi asked half asleep as he hold tighter on Yoon's waist

     "Yeah sleepy head, so let's go now and get up" Yoon said as Yoongi hissed

     All of us gathered our handy belongings as the cabin crews assist us.

     "Be careful" Jin said as he old my hand while walking down to the jet's stairs as Jimin followed from behind with the others.
Drette's squealed can be heard as she excitedly hop.

     "Good day Mr. and Mrs. Park. Your father told us to fetch all of you when you arrive at the airport" The guy in black suit said and bowed while the other one opened the limousine's door

     "I didn't know that Appa really prepared for this" I smiled awkwardly at the guys as some people on the airport give us a glance as if we're the Seoul rich kids who just came back from a luxurious travel abroad.

     "Just let Dad do it. Anyways, let's go" Jimin chuckled and helped me to get inside the car.

     After the long drive from the airport, the guys that Appa told to fetch us finally dropped us home.
     Jin told them earlier to drop us off in our house just like what we've agreed while we're on the jet.

     All of us practically planned to build this house when we find it very difficult to meet and gather everyone up like; we always plan on spending time together but most of the time we'll end up seating on the café cause some of us are late while the on-time comers nearly died because of boredom while waiting for others to come.

     "My back huuurts" Jin and I both said as we lean on the couch that made others laugh. Namjoon, Yoongi and Taehyung directly go to their room to take some rest without saying anything.
     "Get up baby. Go to our room instead" Jimin said as he pull me upwards
     "Bye Jinnie" I said to Jin who's comfortably sitting on the couch
     "Bye Yoon and Dretti" I waved to the both of them who's eating at the kitchen and head to my and Jimin's room

"Baby, our Dad called me earlier–"

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