Chapter XXXIV

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     After our two months of preparation for the simple wedding, we are all finally here today at the First garden in Paju as we all agreed to choose this venue. Getting ready for the ceremony, I stare at my reflection on the mirror as the stylist finished everything. Yoon and Drette are in the other room with mom while Jimin is with Dad and Appa.

     "Sweetie?" Dad said after knocking and slightly opening the door
     "Hi Dad"
     "How's my daughter?" He asked and sat beside me
     "I'm fine Dad and feeling a bit nervous- even though this is my second time walking down the aisle" I said and we both chuckled
     "You're so gorgeous" Dad said and fix some strands of my hair
     "Of course you'll tell me that because I am your daughter" I said and kiddingly narrowed my eyes to him.

     Dad stayed for a little longer and both of us had a good time talking about some things about the wedding when Jimin's mom entered the room.

     "Oh- I'm sorry. Am I interrupting?"
     "No, it's alright. I was about to leave" Dad said and stood up as Mom walk towards us
     "See you later sweetie" Dad waved his hands before exiting the room

     "You look beautiful, my only daughter" Mom said and we both smiled
     "You too, Mom. How's Drette and Yoon by the way? And Jimin? And Appa?" Mom let out a chuckle after hearing my question
     "Aww they're all doing great, honey. Well- I came here to give you something" She said and showed me a necklace
     "Really? Is this for me mom?" I asked as I stare at the necklace with awe
    "Yes, of course. My mom; Jimin's grandmother gave this to me on my wedding too" Mom stood behind me while smiling sweetly as she wore the precious jewelry on me.

     Everyone stood up as Dad and I stood at the end of the aisle. When Jungkookie started to sing his Euphoria (DJ Swivel Forever Remix), I nervously wandered my eyes around our guests. Unlike before, we decided to make the wedding exclusive for our families, friends and our parent's close friends only. All eyes were on me and on Dad as we started to walk. Some of them got teary eyed and so I am. I tightened my grip on Dad's arm but he just looked at me with an assuring smile.
     I looked at Jimin as he smiled widely, trying to hold back his tears. The five guys stood behind him and my eyes landed to Hobi, he gave me his wide smile that show his dimples and a two thumbs up as he looked away to wipe his tears.
     Finally standing in front of Jimin, Dad gave my hand to him as he utter some words..

     "Please don't hurt my daughter again this time, Son"

    Jimin smiled and bowed as he took my hand. Standing at the altar, the ceremony finally started, Jimin and I just look at each other, exchanging smiles.

     "Honestly, why am I feeling nervous right now" Jimin started that made everyone chuckle
     "But seriously speaking baby, I'm so happy to be with you right now– and always. Just like when we first met. Day by day you make me feel loved and you didn't fail to take care of me as well as our baby. I'll ask you to marry me everytime if needed. Thank you for staying by my side even in the most difficult times. I love you so much, baby"

     "Jiminie, no matter how many times you'll ask me to marry you, I will always yes. I'll take care of you for that's my responsibility as your wife, I'll love you for that's what my heart tells about you everytime and I'll forever be with you for you and our baby are one of the most precious people in my life. I love you too, baby"

     After exchanging our short yet sweet and at the same time, tearful vows and messages, Mom excitedly squealed when she heard that it's time for–

     "You may now kiss the bride" Jimin pulled me closer to him and gave me a passionate kiss. The crowd cheered for us as Yoon and Drette happily jumped and squealed. The guys, Appa and Dad looked at Jimin feeling proud as they clap and cheered.

     Everyone headed to the reception hall as Jin stood on his podium, enjoying his moment as a host for tonight.
     Our uncle and aunties; the six men's parents came and greeted us joyfully. Jimin and I greets our guests as we go and stop by from their table to one another. Mr. Kang also came today after all of us decided to invite him howsoever, despite of what happened.

     "Alright everyone, I am your Worldwide Handsome host for today" Jin didn't fail to make us laugh from time to time.
     "It's a great idea that you chose Jin hyung as a host" Namjoon said and chuckled
     Jimin and I joined them as we find it incomplete if it's just the two of us sitting in front.
     "May I now call on Mr. and Mrs. Park, for us to witness their first dance" Jin called on through the mic before our guests clap

    A piano/cello version of Jin's Epiphany started to play when we both stood at the centre of the hall with all eyes and camera on us.

     "I became happier today" Jimin smiled as we started to dance
     "I became more in love today" I chuckled as he hold my hand tightly
     "Please don't let go of my hand for eternity cause I'll do it to you" He said and pressed his forehead on mine, still dancing
     "Of course I won't. I didn't and I will not"
     "I love you always"
     "I love you more" I said and he gave me a peck on my lips

     A few 'aww' was heard from our guests before Jin announced that others can finally join the slow dance too. Then there's Yoon and Yoongi, Tae and Drette.

     "I know someone who wants to dance with you" Jimin smiled sweetly as he nod to Hobi

     "Hi Mochi" Hobi said as he took my hands from Jimin who just left
     "Congratulations. I am so happy for you" He said while we're dancing
      "Thank you Hobi" I sincerely smiled as his eyes softened
     "I'll love you forever"

     After the tearful conversation between Hobi and I while dancing, Jin requested to change the music into an energetic one. Then there's Seokjin, owning the dancefloor with his hype dance moves with Namjoon and Taehyung. We're a bit shocked and laughed when we saw our parents on the dancefloor hitting every single beat of the sound.

    When everyone took their seats after their hype dances, the time for giving Jimin and I messages finally started as they stood on the podium one by one.
    Everyone got emotional on every messages that we received, some of them gave a fun message to lift up the mood and we appreciate all of it.
    It's now time for taking pictures and our uncle and aunties excitedly cheered and stood around us. I wandered my eyes as I felt something strange that feels like someone's staring me. My gaze landed at the entrance as I hold Jimin's hand tightly.

     "Seolhi. What are you doing here"

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