Chapter XXXV

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    All of the guys, along with Yoon and Drette stare at her with wide eyes as she walk towards our table. I thought she's in Spain?

     "What are you doing here?" Yoongi suddenly stood to approach Seolhi but Yoon stopped him
     "I-I didn't come here to cause any t-trouble" She said after she bowed and looked down. Yoon just hissed as well as Drette and Tae
    "I just wanted to give my greetings personally and also to still apologize. Congratulations to the both of you and I am sincerely sorry" Seolhi took a bow and started to walk away

     "Wait Seolhi" I called as everyone on our table looked at me. Seolhi turned around with tears on her eyes

    "It's alright. I forgive you" I sincerely smiled and was shocked when she run towards me and gave me hug
    "Thank you. Now I know why did Jimin choose you. Thank you very much" She said and cried harder on my shoulder. The guys just stared at me with their eyes softened while Yoon and Drette slightly smiled. Jimin just caressed my back and smiled proudly at me.

    Everything's settled between us and Seolhi. The day of my and Jimin's wedding, is the day she just came back from Spain to spend some time here in Korea with her cousin. Dad and Mr. Kang became in good terms as Mr. Kang did his very best for the company and for everyone.
    Nothing changed to us; the guys, Yoon and Drette. We're still living altogether in our house as they all requested to Jimin and I to stay with them. Of course, we didn't have second thoughts on answering yes cause we don't want to be separated from them and also, our parents often visit us with their home cooked meals.

    "Jinnie, I thought you made salad?" I asked Jin while we're both sitting on the couch.

    The others left earlier for their business meeting with Yoon and Drette. Jin was supposed to be with them but he volunteered to stay at home with me cause Jimin's presence is important in that meeting. We're all expecting the baby two weeks from now that's why we all doubled our efforts to do our best for the baby and for me.

    "Oh– Yeah, I forgot. I'll get it now" He said and chuckled.

    My eyes glued to the flat screen TV while waiting for Jin when a sudden pain appeared. I looked down as I felt liquid run down on my legs. Shoot.

    "J-Jin! Come over here! My– my water j-just broke!" I screamed with all of my strength while gripping on the couch

    "Oh man holy sh*t what am I gonna do" Jin came out running from the kitchen as he panic.
    "Jin help m-me! Car! Hos– hospital!" I shouted as he just walk back and forth on the side

    Snapping out of his thoughts, Jin immediately but carefully carried me to his car, letting out some curses because of the car in front of us. He also called the guys, especially Jimin about the situation as we hear a loud creak of few chairs on the other line with their panicking voice along with Yoon and Drette's squeal.

     "Emergency! Please!" The nurse widened his eyes as he looked at Jin then me, realising it's the hottest and worldwide handsome entrepreneur with the CEO of Lee International Airways and heiress of Lee Corporation who just came in.

     Doctors and nurses immediately responded, I was hoping that Jimin can come on time as they brought me to the delivery room.

     "Wait! I'm her husband! Jimin! Park Jimin!" The door opened revealing my husband catching his breath heavily as beads of sweat form into his forehead
    "Don't worry baby. I'm here" He said and smiled and hold my hand tightly

    "Okay, the baby's ready. I need you to push" The doctor instructed as I do my best to push with all my strength
    "More. Push Mrs. Park" I feel tired pushing for about three times as a loud cry of baby echoed through the room.

     Tears of joy run down to my eyes while Jimin kissed my forehead.

    "Thank you baby. You did a great job. I love you"
    "I love you too Jiminie"

     "Come on little guy. Uncle Kookie will carry you" We all stared at Jungkook as he play around with Jihoon

     Park Jihoon; Jimin's and my son. Jihoon just turned two last month and guess what– our little guy is a spoiled one as his grandparents often visit with expensive gifts or stuffs. Sometimes, a package will come to our house from Dad, or Appa and Mom for us and Jihoon. The same goes for Yoon, Drette and the guys, expensive gifts every now and then.

     "He's so cute" Yoongi said as he cooed at Jihoon
     "Yep and his eyes– the same with Jimin. You know he didn't ge–" A loud bang of door interrupted me as Yoon, Drette, Tae and Hobi entered the house..

     with lots of paper bags on their hands

     "Alright where's my one and only baby huh?" Tae said as he waved the Gucci paper bags
     "Taehyung, you just bought something for Jihoon last week" Jimin said and we chuckled
     "And– he's our baby also" Namjoonie said and smiled at Jihoon
     "Yay he's so cute aww" Drette said when Jihoon wrapped his small fingers onto Drette's
     "You'll also have yours. You and Taehyung are engaged anyway" Yoon chuckled, teasing Drette
     "Oh. Coming from someone who got engaged before me" Drette snapped back and flip her hair as we all laughed at them.

     Yoongi finally proposed to Yoon after a long time and of course, we're there to help him. On the day of his proposal, she just thought that they'll meet an important client to see their cruise but behind all of it was a romantic proposal of Yoongi to Yoon while they're in the middle of the sea, with stars above them and us; who Yoongi made hide to take bunch of pictures from the start till the end of the night.
      That's the same night when we felt like we're the stalkers of Min Corporation's heiress and the World's hottest producer and rapper-entrepreneur.

    Well with Tae's proposal, he did it all by himself and we just helped him a bit as he insisted that he wants to do it on his own for Drette. We all find it simple yet romantic. But the same with Yoongi, we became the photographers of World's most handsome face, hottest Gucci model and entrepreneur with his fiancé; the still and current CEO of Dream Orient and heiress of Jung Corporation.

     I wander my eyes around me, seeing how happy we are. With Jihoon who made the picture became bigger. The smiles that everyone have. The laugh that we'll never get tired to hear. And each of everyone's presence that's enough for me to say that I am wealthy; of love, care and affection.

     I used to dream about all of these before. Though Jimin and I didn't start that good when we met and how unbelievable it is on how we became friends to our idols that later on became a family. Things may sound so fast to happen but experiencing all of it was a long way of path on how we became what and who we are right now.

     Never in my life that I expected to become your wife and now, I am beyond grateful that I am.

     All of these, is from his fangirl who dreamed to become his girl.


     "Did I really write all of these" I said as I unbelievably stared down at my journal and smiled after reading all of it for a little bit of time
     "Yeah baby you did" Jimin let out a chuckle with Jihoon who's sitting on his lap
     "We've been through a lot, don't we?"
     "Sure we are Jiminie"

      "Eomma– Appa. I'll play!" Jihoon shouted as he ran inside his room while Jimin and I both chuckled

     "No matter what happens, I'll love you always"
     "And I'll love you for eternity"

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