Chapter XXXII

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      My heart suddenly pound when I heard Jimin mentioned my Dad.
     "Why? Is there something wrong? What happened to Dad?" I said feeling tensed but he just smiled
     "He talked about Seolhi and his dad" I listened to Jimin as he lay down on our bed beside me

     "Mr. Kang is finally a part of Lee Corporation"

     On the night of the dinner with Mr. Kang and Seolhi, all of us settled everything. Mr. Kang keep on apologising for what he did and Dad and I both decided to give him another chance; if he'll not make everything right with that chance then it's over for him.
     When it comes to Seolhi, she kept on asking for forgiveness but we just can't give her an answer after all what she did. Mr. Kang almost rejected her as a daughter as words of disappointment and anger came out of his lips.

    Few days after that night, Dad called to tell us that Mr. Kang sent Seolhi to Spain to live with her Aunt and to learn her lessons. I kinda feel sorry for her but that serves her right. After all, she really deserve it.

     "I hope Mr. Kang will do what's best for him and for everyone" I smiled as I fix the blanket over me
     "Let's all hope for that. Well alright– you need to take a rest, baby. I'll just call you when lunch is ready" Jimin said and kissed the top of my head.

     I got out of my bed half asleep because of the noise coming from downstairs. I thought Jimin will wake me up for lunch?
Still sleepy as I take every single steps, an unclear conversation comes in. Like whispering or something?

     "When will you do it?"
     "I don't know hyung. Maybe soon"
     "What– you know you have to do it even though–"
     "Yes of course, I know. I'll do it soon"

     "You'll do what” I asked as I lazily back hugged Jimin who froze on his place
     "Uh– baby, you're awake" He smiled awkwardly as all of them looked at me
     "Hmm. I want to sleep more but I can't skip my lunch" I said with my eyes still closed as Jimin turned his body to me
    "Y-yeah. That's what I am supposed to do when you arrived" I opened my eyes and looked at them one by one suspiciously when Yoon suddenly talked
    "Now that you're awake, why don't we start to eat?"
     "Who cooked?" I asked as all of them walk towards the kitchen
     "It's me and Jin hyung" Yoongi raised his hand then pointed Jin

     All of us happily started to eat lunch. We talked about how great it is that we finally have a comfortable life without Seolhi on our sight.
     Drette also told us that our photoshoot on Gyeongbokgung Palace will be tomorrow afternoon cause the guys with Drette and Yoon will go to their parent's home at morning, while Jimin and I will go and visit Appa, Mom and Jiyoon.

     "We'll just meet in front of the Palace, okaaay?" Drette said as he enter Tae's car

     A brand new day has come as convoy of cars display outside the house as all of us ride in to go to our parents.

     "Are you excited?" Jimin asked and smiled while driving
     "Of course I am. It's been a long time since I've seen them, especially mom" I answered and we both chuckled
     "You're momma's girl, aren't you? Mom really loves you– well, all of them" I looked at Jimin with a smile
     "Right. And I also love you all" I said and looked outside the window.

     It's been a long time since I came here. Everything is still the same; busy streets, calming breeze of air, tall buildings and people around the place with smile on their faces. I miss this feeling. It's good to be back.

     "Baby, wake up. We're here" I opened my eyes as I felt soft touches on my cheeks
     "Oh– sorry baby. I fell asleep" I looked at Jimin as he gave me a smile
     "It's alright. Let's go. They're waiting for us"

     Jimin and I both got out of the car and immediately went in front of the house.

     "My babies!" Mom exclaimed as he excitedly run to us
     "I miss you Mom" Jimin and I both said that made Mom chuckle
     "Both of you are sooo cute. How are you, my daughter? How's Jimin huh? Did he behave now?" She asked while hugging me and I smiled widely as Jimin pouted
     "Noona! Hyung!" I looked behind mom, seeing Jiyoon run towards us
     "Jiyoon! How are you?" I asked and ruffled his hair
     "Got a bit a taller noona" Jiyoon said looking at Jimin
     "Ya! Kid!" We all laughed when Jimin glared at Jiyoon
     "Alright that's enough. Your dad's waiting for you inside"

     We all spent the morning well with Jimin's parents and Jiyoon, they're all excited for the baby and just like before; Mom wanted to schedule a shopping but Appa told her that not too soon.

     "Bye kids! Enjoy your photoshoot and don't forget to send some copies to us! We love you!" Appa said as the three of them waved while smiling. We waved back at them and immediately got inside the car. We'll be late. Oh no Dretti, I am so sorry.

     "Wow you're still Jimin today, Mr. Park" Namjoon said and all of us laughed
     "I'm sorry if we're late" I said and chuckled
     "Come on let's go and get the hanbok" Jin excitedly said while clapping his hands

     "You all look like Royalties" Drette said as the three of us stared at the seven guys in front of us with awe
     "Of course, My Queen" I squealed when Tae answered Drette and kissed the top of her hands.

     The guys really liked this idea of Drette as all of them seem excited.

     "Only few people are here? Oh? Did someone rented this place for something? Are we allowed to do the photoshoot here Dretti?" I asked as all of them lightly smiled
     "Of course. Maybe it's not their peek season that's why only few people are here" Yoon said and shrugged

     After roaming around for a long time, our photoshoot has begun at exactly four. The whole place lit up gorgeously when dawn finally came. The guys started to laugh when one them almost fell on the ground from the stairs. We divided the shoots into units; Yoon, Drette and I, the seven guys, their hyung line, the maknae line, our whole group photoshoot and for the last, Jimin and I.

"Tonight is a memorable night and everyone's excited"

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