Brand New Start

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The mood in the house was really,really,really weird since Daniel deleted the tape and burned it last night,which he got before Destiny. I haven't spoken to Kellie or Destiny and Luke was feeling bad since I lost two friends. I eat my cereal.awkwardly as Luke sat next to me and Beau and Jai.

'' I'm sorry '' I whisper,quietly. Beau,Luke and Jai look at me,unsure. ''If it wasn't fo- ''

''Shut up.. It could of happened to any of us '' Jai says,smiling. ''We just need work things out '' I nod,agreeing as I eat at my breakfast. James and Daniel join us. ''Morning '' 

''Morning. '' James says,quietly and Daniel nods and sits down. '' Brand new start '' Everyone smiled a little, he made no sense but we knew what he meant. 

''I think we should head home and work things out '' Luke says,smiling. ''THEN come back '' I think Luke was right since they need their mother's help..Gina is amazing at fixing things! 

''I think we should '' Daniel agrees. ''So we could pack today and leave tomorrow ? ''

''yEAH THATS A great idea '' Beau says,nodding. ''I'm going to watch Tom and Jerry ''

''MEEEEE TOOO '' Daniel,Jai and Jamses shout as they hop on the sofa. Less they are trying to act normal... well Janoskian normal,which is opposite but still. I shake my head,laughing as I pick up their bowls and brings them to the sink. I felt Luke's arms wrap around my waist and he moves side to side while kissing my neck.

''I love baby girl '' He whispers into my ear as he tucks my hair behind my ear . ''You've dealed with the Janoskian drama and didn't complain once! '' I chuckle as I turn around and face him.

''If I didn't deal with it.. I wouldn't be with you right now '' I say,smiling as I kiss him,softly. ''And besides its not so...bad '' I lied on that point but still I can deal with it. 

''I know your lieing '' He smirks as he kisses my neck.

''YO BRO! Stop feeling up your girlfriend and watch Tom and Jerry ''Daniel says in a ganaster voice,which really didn't suit him. ''I'm going know.. nevermind ''He bows his head. Luke laughs as he joins them on the sofa. I wash the last bowl and decides to go outside for a little while to let me relax. I walk down near the lake,which was beautiful and sits near it. 

''Its beautiful '' I whisper,admiring the water. I'd love to live in a Lakehouse when i'm older but it will never happen. I want allot of things which will never happen either! ''This won't last forever... '' I tell myself, ''I want it to but he'll find someone better than me.. I know it. ''

''How do you know? '' I hear Luke say behind the tree.I turn my head,quickly and looks at him. ''I want it to last forever too '' He sits next to me also admiring the lake. '' We're going to have beautiful kids too ,  a wedding of your dreams, are own Lakehouse and much more.. everything '' He stroke my head,gently as he carried on speaking. ''And we'll have a girl first.. I bet you anything we will.. I'll treat her like a princess since your the queen.. she'll have your big blue eyes with a hint of green, my hair, I hope she has your cute dimples...that would be adorable, my smile, the brooks brother's charm and everything rolled into one ''

''You think so? '' I ask,smiling as I look up at him,

''I know so '' he says,smirking. ''Then we'll have a boy with brown hair , amazing brown eyes, he could have the brooks brother's looks, he'll be a ladies man when he's older so do expect many girls at the door but i'll be there to chase the whores away '' I laugh at him as he carries on speaking. ''And we'll live in a Lake House with a beautiful view of the city but we'll live in a apartment first since we save the money THEN we'll have a wedding and you'll be in a lovely white dress and you'll look beautiful and everyone will have their eyes on YOU and ME '' 

''Will we last that long? '' I ask,raising a eyebrow. 

'' We will be together until we die''

''What if I die first? ''

''Then I'll be gone the next day '' I look at him,shocked. ''We'll die together at old age. '' I smile a little at the though. ''Are kids will  be well known for something... OH and we'll have twins.. Omigosh that would be epic! '' I laugh a little at his thoughs. ''That reminds me.. kids.. kids.. when we know... did we wear... you know '' Did we? I think we did.. no,no we didn't. 

Sex,Pain and Cheating *Luke Brooks Fan Fic*Where stories live. Discover now