Months Later ;

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* 8 Months Later*

I lift up my shirt,biting my lip.

''FAT BELLY '' Jai says,laughing as he pokes my  belly.

''Jai! Shut up! '' Luke says,glaring at him. ''Everyone who is pregnant is fa-I mean normel sized ''

''Its fine.. it's pretty big '' I say looking down at my stomach. The months passed so quickly and my baby shower was tonight and Luke's family were coming around since I basically have no family. '' I can't wait for the baby shower ''

''I got the twins a epic gift '' Beau says,smirking. Gina walks into the room with a bag of decorations in her hand. 

''You still haven't got changed? '' She asks,laughing as she puts the bag on the table. ''Go upstairs and get change they'll  be here in a couple of minutes '' 

~ Party~

I sit on the sofa beside Luke while people walk into the door.

''Nonna! '' Luke says,excited as he jumps up from the sofa and hugs his granny. 

''Hello Luke '' He says,kissing his cheek as she sits next to me and Luke. ''You're stomach has gotten bigger.. One more month now '' 

'' Yeah..  '' I say,smiling at her. Luke's granny was a sweetheart and really nice.

''I got you this '' She smiles as she hands over Luke& I a knitted jumpers with they're name on it,which most granny's got.. it was a bit girly for a boys but nice.

'' They are beautiful '' I say,smiling. She shakes her head,chuckling.

''You really think I'd make my great grandsons wear that! '' She says,laughing as she takes out two snapbacks with their names on them,they're were even small. '' I want them to have swag! '' 

''That's more like it ''Luke says,chuckling as he puts the snapbacks on his lap. ''They're lovely ''

''HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GUESTS OF THIS BABY SHOWER! '' Beau shouts from top of his lungs as he enters the room. ''I'm Beau Brooks, Luke's handsome brother and future brother-in-law to Lottie! I've gotten my nephews the best gift ever! '' He smirks at everyone. ''DRUM ROLL JAI '' Jai grabs two spoons and starts banging on the tables. Beau takes out two mini cars with their name on it and two shirts,which say ''BEAU BROOKS IS BEST UNCLE EVER ''. I cover my mouth,shocked.

''Omigosh Beau that must cost so much '' I say,looking at the gifts. '' Thank you '' I hug him,tightly. 

'' Your welcome and I understand it'll be a while till they can go on the cars but its still cool ''

''Thanks bro '' Luke says,smiling. 

The rest of the night was amazing we had a little dance off with the boys but I couldn't dance , we had more gifts, we ate food and we got to see Luke's family,which we've haven't seen in ages. 

''Luke , I'm going go outside for a little bit of air '' I tell Luke,smiling.

''Okay, I'll come with '' Luke says,grinning as he follows me outside the door. ''What's this? '' He raises a eyebrow as he picks up a letter with neat handwriting on it. 

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