The Letter....

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'' I wonder whats in here '' Luke says,confused as he picks up the letter. I was kinda unsure myself but my stomach felt really weird..and kinda painful. I place my hand on my stomach, ''Are you okay?'' I felt a heavyness in my pelvis.'' Lottie? ''

''Luke whats going on? ''I cry as I start feeling more heavy around my pelvis. 

''MOM!!!!! Can we have a little help?'' Luke shouts. Gina rushed out of the kitchen and noticed me. ''What's wrong with her? ''

'' Clear the room in the living room, '' Gina orders. Luke stood there and did nothing,thanks Luke... sarcasm by the way. ''NOWW! ''He rushes into the living room and tells everyone to go outside. I wasn't sure what he was saying but I could see people were shocked as they rushed out the room. ''Are you okay Lottie?'' Fluid starts coming out . '' We have take you to the hospital ''

''but i'm not due yet! What if the baby dies!?! '' I ask,scared as she helps me move to the car. ''Don't make a mess in the backseat ''She chuckles,which makes me laugh a little. 

''What's going on? '' Beau asks,panicing as he rushes outside. '' Did you just piss yourself?'' He raises a eyebrow.

''She's having her baby! NOW GET MR.GARDON AND ASK HIM FOR HELP! ''Gina shouts at the end. Mr.Gardon lived down the street and was a doctor ,which was handy the time Beau jumped off the roof,James broke his arm, Jai glued his eyes and when Luke got his hands stuff in the video player. Beau rushed inside. 

''Listen to me..Breath slowly okay! The twins are coming a little early but you need listen to everything your being told ,understand?'' I nod,repeatly as I sit in the back seat.''This is going be painful but it's worth it in the end '' What if my twins die? I mean one could and the other could be alive! Luke and Mr.Gardon rushed into the car. 

''How are you feeling? ''Mr Gardon asked, I look at him with a ''duh '' look. ''Okay, I've called a couple of doctors to come out so you need more space so back inside'' I moan as I stand up again..what was point of me going outside. 

''Its going be okay ,Lottie '' Luke whispers into my ear. I could feel him shaking and I knew he was scared because he was paler than a irish person. The lving room was clear and Jai was seating up pillows everywhere,which was sweet 

''Everyone is outside '' Beau tells us. ''And good luck ''He kisses me on the forehead and walks out the room with Jai behind him. 

''You'll need to lie down '' Mr.Gardon tells me.

''No,The twins aren't meant to come! not now '' I argue back. 

''Do you want the babies to have problems along the birth or even die? '' Mr.Gardon was a very serious and strict man and he sometimes was harsh but he doesn't mean harm. 

''Please... ''Luke frowns. 

''Fine then but its hurting'' I hold my stomach and lays down on the sofa.


Doctors started arriving and Mr.Gardon told them everything what happened and something about my fluids and stuff. Luke,Gina and I were only ones in the room and Gina was holding Luke while he was shaking like a dog. I could feel more pain come from  my plevis. 

''I think we're ready ''Mr.Gardon says. I begin to panic.


(A/N everything is very rushed because I seriously don't know how describe a birth... )


Luke's POV

The babies were taken away straigh after the birth and I didn't even see their faces..I could see one of the babies legs when they went into the ambulance. I hated seeing Lottie in pain and she was restless and I swear i'm nearly  deaf by her screams. 

Sex,Pain and Cheating *Luke Brooks Fan Fic*Where stories live. Discover now