U.A. High School PT2

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The red haired boy walked into the class and looked amongst the many heads in the classroom. It was clear that some one other student has yet to have arrived.

"Sada Toshiaki. Take your seat and be quiet." Mr. Aizawa grumbled, shifting a bit while his back was facing the new student.

The student, now known as Sada Toshiaki, nodded quietly as he made his way through a row of seats.

For some reason, he placed a hand onto the surface of the desk and allowed his fingertips to glide along while he walked. He seemed to be using it as a guide as he reached into his pocket for something.

"Are you okay..?" Midoriya asked. Sada turned towards him, being sure to avoid eye contact as Midoriya spoke up. "What's wrong?"

"I'm blind." Sada responded flatly. Without a moment of hesitation, Midoriya nodded and got up from his desk. Him, and the dark blue haired both helped Sada to a desired desk.

"Me being blind doesn't make me less capable. I can get a seat myself." The red haired boy groaned.

"So where would you like to sit?" Midoriya asked, ignoring Sada's complaint.

"... The far back seat." Sada sighed. "Should you not be sitting in the front of the class Mr. Toshiaki? I advise that you select a different seat!" The blue haired student recommended. However, Sada made his way to the back on his own.

Despite their instincts, the two students nodded and escorted their classmate to his own seat. Once he made it, Sada sat down on the seat next to a student with dark brown hair, gray framed glasses, and deep purple eyes. Something that caught Midoriya's attention was the girl's ears.


"You mind?"

The sudden tone of the girl caught the Midoriya off guard, catching the other boy's attention.

"Midoriya, are you alright?" The dark blue haired student asked with an apparent concern in his tone.

Midoriya nodded softly, chuckling a bit as he took notice of the girl's various drawings that covered her sheets of paper.

"Woah.. Those look great!" The green haired boy praised. In response, the girl didn't say anything. Instead, her eyes lit up a bit as she looked away.

"AH! You're drawing on paper dedicated to taking notes! Grrh... but I will admit that you have a clear talent for drawing, You must understand that pieces such as this belong on sheets dedicated to art!" The dark blue haired boy shouted, having Midoriya attempting to calm him down after. "Iida, It's okay..! I'm sure she's sketching to pass the time-"

"Don't lecture me, Tenya Iida."

Midoriya turned back and saw that the girl now had her eyes pointed at Iida with an apathetic look, before going on.

"Go back to your desks. The both of you. Before you wake Mr. Aizawa up from his nap" she warned.

A wave of realization hit Iida and Midoriya both, with Midoriya carefully making his way back to his desk while Iida clenched onto his chest and walked back with shame, mumbling about how he ruined the peaceful silence that was maintained in the class.

"I-I... I can't believe I.. I became the very thing that I swore to defend against.." he mumbled, gritting his teeth.

While they sulked in shame, the girl lowered her head a bit, dwelling on the comment that Midoriya made..

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