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With the school day ending, Izuku, Ochako, Iida, and Tsu could be seen just enjoying each other's company. Without a particular destination in mind, the four chose to just discuss what happened in class. What happened with the USJ, and what might happen because of it.

"What I don't really get is how the substitute had to leave earlier than expected. Why couldn't they get someone that had a more open schedule?" Ochako asked.

"To be fair, class was already almost over. And I'd also assume that because of the attack, the school might be letting us calm down from what happened. It was pretty stressful, Ribbit." Tsu answered, walking beside Izuku as he nodded, holding his bandaged arm in his good hand.

"Yeah.. It was seriously scary. But.. I'm almost glad we went through it. We got a sort of... reality check?" Izuku inquired. Iida nodded and followed shortly after.

"Indeed. This experience truly will help us understand what a hero faces. It even gives us an idea as to who would take action in a given situation." Iida pointed out.

"Yeah. Even if it was scary.." Ochako sighed. Tsu gave a low ribbit, pointing a finger ahead of the group, seeing a group of their classmates that consisted of Momo, Aya, Mina, Jiro, Tokoyami, and Sada.

"What are they doing together?" Tsu asked curiously. Momo noticed the other group and waved.

"Hello! I see you're all hanging out too!" Momo smiled.

"Yeah.. We are" Izuku chuckled a bit. Momo nodded and crossed her arms.

"Huh.. I would never have imagined that Sada would be friends with you guys" Tsu stated, to which Sada sighed.

"I'm not their friend. They just won't leave me alone, or let me leave." The blind boy lamented. Momo slumped over a bit.

Ochako reached over and placed her hand on Momo's shoulder, smiling softly. "We can take him home if it'd help at all. I'm pretty sure Izuku and Iida walked him home before" Ochako smiled.

"I don't want to be walked home by you two." Sada stated. "Or any of you."

"Yeah. We can walk him" Izuku grinned, unfortunately ignoring Sada's protests.

"If you say so." Jiro sighed, helping Sada over to Iida, who placed his hand onto the boy's shoulder. "It's quite alright, Toshiaki. We're here to help."

"I have never once asked for help." Sada bluntly responded.

"Take good care of him" Momo requested. Izuku nodded and turned to Sada, who learned to just accept his situation and surrendered.

Now with the groups going their separate ways, Tsu noticed that Sada had a sort of small stick in his pocket.

"Hey, Sada. What is that?" Tsu asked.

"Some sort of walking stick Momo made me. I don't need it." Sada stated, which confused Ochako.

"But.. don't some blind people use walking sticks to guide themselves? Or.. something.." Ochako pondered, to which Sada replied.

"I don't want the walking stick. Nor do I want a Dog to aid me." Sada stubbornly stated.

"Why? Those would seem pretty beneficial.. unless you're not actually blind" Izuku pondered, getting a sigh from Sada.

"I am blind. I assure you that. I can only keep up because I can sense you all." Sada answered.

"Sense? Like.. Our voices?" Iida asked, somewhat amazed by the insightful information that was given.

"I imagine it's like.. How a bat would see things. I can sense your bodies. I can also hear Izuku's annoying voice." Sada continued, hurting Izuku's feelings a bit

"That's actually pretty cool.." Izuku commented, brushing aside Sada's statement, to which Sada sighed...

...before tripping over some of the cracked sidewalk, getting quickly caught by Tsu and Iida in the process..

After some more walking, the group eventually made it towards Sada's home. It was really far away, and rightfully so.

Ochako and Tsu were both amazed to see that.. apparently Sada lived in a mansion of sorts. The view almost intimidated Ochako, while Tsu was just surprised.

"Huh.. I would've guessed that you would live in a place like this" Tsu commented.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sada asked, turning towards the direction of Tsu's voice.

"I mean that you sort of have an unlikeable attitude" Tsu replied. "Ribbit."

Sada paused for a bit and stared in Tsu's direction, while the frog girl boldly stared back. Izuku, Iida, and Ochako stared for a bit, each with a nervous feeling as the two individuals looked at each other.

"... That's fair." Was all Sada replied with, walking to his home as Izuku guided him, chuckling nervously as Ochako turned towards Tsu.

"Did.. How did you-" Ochako mumbled, getting a confused look from Tsu.

"How did I do what?"

"He.. I dunno. Sada's kinda.. intimidating.." Ochako elaborated, scratching the back of her head nervously.

"I don't think so. I just think he just wants to be alone all the time. Granted, I only just met him" Tsu explained. "He seems to be going for that appearance anyway."

"Well either way, I just hope he doesn't stick with that attitude for all three years of UA." Iida expressed, sighing as he crossed his arms.

"Yeah. He'll never be a likable hero if he's rude like that. It's almost as bad as Bakugo" Tsu continued. "...Almost."

Once Sada was inside, Izuku ran back to meet up with his friends.

"Alright. Now where should we go?" Izuku asked with a grin.

"Perhaps we could exchange notes or spar. After all, the sports festival is coming up soon." Iida pointed out.

"Oh yeah! But what if we end up fighting against each other?" Ochako asked, looking between the three students.

"Then we give it our best.. Obviously" Tsu replied.

With the group deciding to settle on studying techniques, rather than actually fighting, they found an area to rest, giving Ochako ample time to see what Izuku was writing.

At the moment, he seemed to be writing about the USJ attack and about All Might's power. Ochako felt a small smile graze her lips as she leaned over to see what he was writing, to which he flinched away and held his book to his chest.

"O-Oh..Uraraka.." Izuku nervously mumbled, getting a look from Iida and Tsu, and especially Ochako, who sat back a bit.

"You okay?" Ochako asked, tilting her head a bit. Izuku nodded and continued writing in his note book.

"Yeah.. sorry.. Still not that used to people being interested in what I have to write" Izuku chuckled softly. "Especially my hero notes. Kaachan would just blow them up and burn them. He threw this one out of a window.." Izuku continued.

"I still don't understand why he gets so angry with you. Out of all of us, he seems to hold such a strong resentment for you" Iida sighed, placing a hand onto his friend's shoulder.

Izuku nodded and sighed "That's.. because I never- I mean! I don't know why he hates me.. but.. because of him being popular, I was never really able to get any friends.." Izuku chuckled dryly.

"Well, you aren't alone now. You have us." Iida smiled. Ochako nodded, while Tsu croaked as an agreement. Izuku smiled softly and continued writing... flipping to a new page.

A page labled "Friends"...

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