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After Lunch ended, Sero couldn't help but laugh as Mishizu returned to class with bits of tape on her uniform.

Sero and Mishizu tried to get the bits of tape off of their uniforms, but Mishizu unfortunately still had bits and pieces on her.

Fortunately, Nobody noticed the tapr Mishizu. That alone spared her from a lot of the potential humiliation she may have received from her classmates. However, this only made the teasing from Sero far worse than it had to be…

Once seated, Mishizu tried to pick off the tape from her uniform; an action that was noticed by Tsu, who was seated beside the chain summoner.

"Hey, What did you and Sero do for tape to be all over you?" Tsu asked. Mishizu avoided eye contact and nervously laughed.

"It's uh.. We fought for a bit.. I have the bruises to prove it" Mishizu stammered. Tsu tilted her head for a bit. Unfortunately, her explanation got the attention of Tenya Iida.

"You two were fighting? I can not allow that! You two must head to the Nurse's Office and explain what you two were doing this instant!" Iida, the class representative, demanded. Mishizu's demeanor shifted from bashful, to irritated.

"Mind your own business, Bitch!" Mishizu shouted.

"It's cool. I had a teacher supervise us" Sero said; an obvious lie that Mishizu saw right through. Iida's eyes widened as he turned towards Sero.

"Is that so?" Iida asked, to which Sero explained further. "Yeah. Shorty and I had a small dispute, so I had a teacher get involved. That way we don't go far. Consider it.. a sparring match." Sero commented, lying further as he winked at Mishizu, who nodded.

"I see. Then I suppose that it's alright then. I apologize" Iida said, turning back to continue his conversation with Ochako and Izuku.

Mishizu overheard their conversation, hearing that Izuku, Ochako, and Iida intended on hanging out. Izuku also planned on inviting Tsu to come along.

"Yeah. That sounds great! We can hangout by the station. Maybe after school?" Ochako smiled. Izuku, with a bright red face, eagerly agreed. Iida also agreed with the idea.

'Hmm.. so friend groups are already starting..' Mishizu thought to herself. Looking around, she tried to see who was, and wasn't in a friend group so far.

As of now, Deku, Ochako, and Iida seemed to be friends. Just as Kaneri, Himari, and Denki also seemed close. Denki, Kaneri, Bakugo, and Kirishima all hung out and hung out the other day…

So far, the only kind of friendships Mishizu had were with a small amount of classmates…

Aya Chiaki, who was annoyed by her.. There wasn't much doubt about that.

Himari Sugawa, who she kicked in the face…

Sada Toshiaki, who may be a possible friend.. but he definitely wouldn't see it that way.

Kaneri Doutetsu… who punched her in the face..

Hanta Sero. Who is the closest friend she has…

"Hey, uh… Sero? What if we.. Hung out after school?" Mishizu asked anxiously. "We don't have to, but it'd be cool" 

"Sounds cool. Denki and Kirishima both just asked to hangout. Let me ask 'em real quick" Sero grinned. Mishizu nodded and lowered her head to her desk… up until Bakugo spoke up..

"Ehh? You mean that Wimpy Chain Whip Loser?! Hell NO!" Bakugo shouted. Mishizu's head shot up as her fist slammed down onto the desk as she turned back to Bakugo.

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