The Class Representative

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As though yesterday wasn't hard or stressful enough, word of the Number One hero, All Might, now being a teacher spreaded to the press. The very next day, the school's entrance was flooded with several news reporters flooding the students with questions centered around the Symbol of peace.

"Hey, you! Can you tell us what it's like to work so closely with All Might?"

"U-Um, sorry I have to go to the.. u-uh.." Izuku struggled, nervously backing away from the group. "To the.. nurses office..! Bye!" 

Izuku ran away from the reporters…

Next, they tried to ask Ochaco Uraraka a question. "Hey, are you one of All Might's students? Tell us. What is he like in person?"

"Um.. what's he like? Uhm… I mean.. he has muscles..?" She nervously replied.

"What kind of lessons is he teaching you? What have you learned under him?"

"I-I.. Uh.." Kaneri struggled, seeing all of the cameras pointing directly at her…

Out of a blind panic, Kaneri turned around and ran away, using a form of metal to make something that would help her cope with the sudden stress…

"How is he faring as a teacher; what are you learning?" The head reporter demanded of Tenya Iida. The student placed his hand to his chest and stated "His leadership and Wisdom remind me on a daily basis that I attend the most prestigious and educational institution. Of course, he is the personification of honor and integrity that one would expect, but he's also not afraid to show his students a more humorous side." He proudly stated…

His response seemed to bore the reporters… After him, the head reporter chased after Bakugo, who walked away with an irritated look on his face.

"Wait- Aren't you that sludge villain kid?"
"...Walk away."

They understood the threat..

"Sir, please.. may you get All Might for us? Also, you look like a mess, what's your deal?" A reporter asked Aizawa, who stared at her with a look of apathy.

"All Might's not on campus today. Now get out of here. You're disturbing my students." Aizawa grumbled.

"Ahh.. But my viewers wanna know how he's adjusting to life as a teacher!"

"Leave." Aizawa groaned, walking away as he tried to get back to his class. 'How does All Might not choke with all these people stepping on his cape?' 

Suddenly, the head reporter began to march towards the school entrance, proclaiming that she was going to get All Might herself.

However, an alarm went off and several steel plates rose up from the ground, blocking the entrance as a shriek escaped the head reporter…

"Didn't you hear about the defenses? This gate is the UA Barrier."
"Defenses? It practically killed me!"
"Yeah, well, it's designed to stop anyone who doesn't have a student ID or special pass from entering on campus. Guess it really works. In fact, there are security features like that all over the place."
"Seriously? This school thinks it's untouchable!  They could at least grant me one interview."
"I know, right? We don't even have a single comment on record yet."

Needless to say, each student was glad to make it… 

Once in the homeroom, Aizawa congratulated the students on a job well done. However, he was sure to scold Bakugo for sulking like a child for losing.

"Yeah, whatever." The boy responded with irritation.

"And Midoriya. I see the only way you one the match was by messing up your arm again. Work harder. And don't give me the excuse that you don't have control over your quirk. It's only the third day, and that line is already getting old." Aizawa stated. "You can't keep breaking your body. But your quirk will be really useful if you get a handle on it. So show a little urgency."

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