Lunch Break PT2

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With Kaneri and Kirishima agreeing to be friends, the class seemed to still be enjoying themselves. However, a few students didn't seem content with staying within the classroom.

Particularly Mishizu Ayuto and Hanta Sero.

Both students decided that with the free time, it would be appropriate for them to hold their competition against who was better in combat.

The two students snuck out of their class and went to the roof of UA. Much to their surprise, there didn't seem to be any students out there with them.

"Alright. Whoever manages to get the other to surrender wins, right?" Mishizu asked, cracking her knuckles with a smirk. "When I win, I'll tell everyone about how I beat your lanky ass"

"When I win, I'll be sure to be quiet about it. Wouldn't want your pride to fall shorter than the rest of ya" Sero teased, smirking as Mishizu felt a tick of irritation strike her.

"...Oh. It's on." Mishizu stated, taking her blazer off and tossing it onto the floor, with Sero taping their blazers to the wall so they aren't blown away.

Both students took an offensive position, readying themselves for their fight.

As soon as it began, Mishizu was on the offensive. She summoned duel chains in both hands and held twin daggers in her hands to cut and slice any tape that Sero would send. What she didn't expect was for Sero to launch a line of tape at her legs. He managed to tape her foot in place, causing her to fall a bit. Stepping her foot down, she used the dagger to slice the tape off of her foot, only to get her hand taped to the floor.

"BITCH! Quit it!" Mishizu shouted, slicing her hand free with the other dagger while dodging another attack from Sero.

"You're the one who chose to run at me" The boy smirked, dodging a slash from Mishizu, who kicked Sero in the stomach and sent him back.

With Mishizu being smaller and more nimble, she was capable of moving more swiftly than most of the classmates they shared. Sero stood back up and leaped back, shooting a line of tape at Mishizu, who tried to use her dagger to cut the line. However, Sero's tape wrapped around her arm and dagger, tugging her towards him with a strong line. Mishizu cut the line and slid under Sero's legs, preparing to kick Sero to knock him down.

However, Sero quickly stepped aside and shot another line of tape. This time, at Mishizu's legs. The line was cut again by the dagger as Mishizu decided to start going long ranged with her attacks.

As Mishizu sent a hooked chain at Sero, he used a line of tape to quickly move out of the way, dodging Mishizu as she instantly pulled herself towards her opponent to strike.

Now in the air, Sero took the opportunity to try and tape Mishizu to the wall, only for his leg to be wrapped up in a chain, causing him to be dragged back down to the roof. Once he crashed onto the roof, Mishizu quickly used her hook chains to pin Sero's forearms to the ground, landing on top of him with a smirk as she sat on the lower portion of his body.

"I think that means I win." Mishizu taunted. Sero looked up at the girl and grinned.

"Nah. Just means I wasn't trying." Sero taunted, struggling to free himself from the hooks as Mishizu chuckled and watched.
Once Sero ripped his arm free of the hook, Mishizu reached over and took his wrist in her hand.

However, Sero quickly slid his hand free from the other hook and grabbed Mishizu's other wrist, causing them both to struggle against each other. However, Sero tried to roll over, taking Mishizu by surprise as they rolled over, putting Mishizu beneath himself as he smirked, taping her arms down as he held her by the wrists.

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