"Deku" / Ochako vs. Bakugou / Iida

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"Even if this is all training, It pains me to be aligned with criminal behavior..." Iida sighed softly. As he knocked his fist onto the fake nuke, Bakugo called out to him through gritted teeth.

"Do you seriously think that weakling has a quirk?" He asked bitterly.

"You saw how he threw that ball. Though, his power clearly hurts his body." Iida replied calmly. "Speaking of which, why is it that you become excessively angry with Midoriya?"

However, Iida's question was blocked out by Bakugo's thoughts. Pure rage filled his mind as he began visibly shaking, gritting his teeth more as he clenched his steaming fists with murderous intent...

Meanwhile, Izuku and Ochaco seemed to be trying to memorize the bulldogs structure for a better understanding.

"Man.. All Might sure is cool.. a lot cooler than I thought he'd be from TV- Oh my god you're sweating through your costume-" Ochaco panicked. Giving him her full attention, Izuku was visibly shaking as he tried his best to focus on the task.

"Well.. y-yeah.. Kacchan is there..a-and Iida too.." He nervously stated. "He can be a real pain, sure..but his strength. His confidence. His ambition... not to mention his quirk..they're all so much better than mine.. but that means I have to do better.. I won't let us loose today.."

"I see.. so a fight between rivals" Ochaco smiled, giving her partner a look of determination while she continued. "We're a team now. Lets win this!" She shouted.

And with that, the Indoor Combat Training began.

Izuku and Ochaco started decently with a smart idea. They levitated up to a nearby window by using Ochaco's quirk, Zero Gravity.

Zero Gravity: With this quirk, the user is capable of negating the gravitational pull on any object she touches. However, the user will hurl if overused.

Now inside the building, team A tried to be as careful as they could to be aware of their surroundings. Izuku looked around, recalling the notes he took about indoor battles before he had a quirk.

Unfortunately, his quirk wasn't much use for now. Not while he can't control it. It's to much of a liability to rely on.

Before Izuku and Ochaco could get any further, Bakugo suddenly crashed his way through a wall, destroying it as he tried to grab Izuku and blow him up.

Though Izuku's mask was damaged, his grab missed, causing him to make a cloud of smoke as he stood up and cleared it enough for his hate filled eyes to stare into Izuku's own.

"What's the matter Deku? Can't stand up and fight me?" He asked.
"I knew you'd be after me first. I also knew you'd try and catch me by surprise" Izuku said, standing up while helping Ochaco to her feet.

Bakugo grew a sadistic smile as his eyes grew wide with anger, charging towards them. "I'M GONNA HURT YOU SO BAD, THEY'LL STOP THIS DAMN FIGHT!" He shouted, swinging an arm at Izuku.

However, much to his surprise, Izuku grabbed onto it. Suddenly, Izuku turned over and used Bakugo's momentum to flip him over his back and slam him into the ground!

"You.. You always started fights with a fake right hook! I know.. because I've been watching you fight! I analyzed every amazing hero.. even you. I wanted to learn everything I could about them.. and it was all in the notebook you threw away! So call me Deku! I'm not the same defenseless kid anymore!" Izuku shouted back, preparing for whatever was to come next. Bakugo's eyes widened even further, feeling the black steam emerge from his palm as Izuku renounced his past of bullying, shouting that now Deku was going to be the name of a hero!

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