Class Work

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After the incident with the media, the school seemed to calm down a little. Though there were still questions going around about how the press even managed to get in, Aizawa didn't let any of the concern get in the way of his class.

On the very next day, Aizawa had the class work on assignments from other classes. Apparently the idea of this school teaching us how to be heroes didn't exactly mean we didn't have to do regular school work.

Everyone was still expected to know language arts, history, mathematics, and so forth. At the moment, the students were taking advantage of their homeroom class to catch up on work...

At least, some of them were... while others struggled.

Mina, Kirishima, Sero, Denki, and Mishizu especially struggled with their respective assignments. It was clear that they weren't.. the brightest when it came to class work.

Mishizu gripped her head in frustration as she sighed, looking around the class for a classmate she may be close enough to in order to help. As she looked around, she noticed Sero was also struggling. Sighing quietly, she laid back on her desk and tried to ease her mind... unbeknownst to her, she was leaning far enough to get in the way of Aya, who was seated behind her.

"...Do you mind?" She asked, catching Mishizu's attention. She turned back and realized that Aya only had a book in her hands...

"Did.. you finish everything?" She asked as she tried turning back to face the pointed eared girl, who nodded as her eyes lowered back to her book..

"Then.. Uh.. Wouldn't it be funny if I asked for help with my work? And it'd be even funnier if you agreed to help me..." Mishizu asked, almost pleading as Aya groaned.

"How funny. Go bother someone else." Aya stated, not even bothering to give the request any consideration.

"But it's.. language arts.." Mishizu cringed, sighing as she turned back and grabbed her work. She turned back to Aya, sitting backwards to properly face her as she set her work on Aya's desk.

"I don't get it." Mishizu sighed. Giving her a look of irritation, Aya set her book aside and took a look at the work for a moment.

As her bright purple eyes scanned line after line on the sheet, Aya decided that Mishizu would probably leave her alone if she just got it over with.

"Fine. I'll help you. But after this, go back to flirting with that.. tape guy. Your guy friend. Hanta Sero." Aya listed several names for Sero, noticing Mishizu's eyes widened a bit at the mention of him. She looked back at the long black haired boy and quickly looked back at her work as she got bright red.

"He.. He isn't my b-boyfriend.." Mishizu mumbled, tapping her fingers together as Aya raised a brow. "I never once stated he was your boyfriend. I said 'guy friend.'" Aya reminded the flustered mess. Mishizu covered her face and sighed, begging Aya to just help with the work.

And so, she did. It didn't take long until Aya helped Mishizu with her work. It only took slightly longer to help Mishizu to keep her composure...

After around twenty minutes, Homeroom ended. Just in time for Mishizu to finish her assignment and thank Aya for the help.

While Mishizu packed up her things and got ready to leave, she was approached by a confused Sero and Mina.

"Did.. Aya help you..? With your classwork..?" Mina asked with a confused look. Mishizu nodded and chuckled a bit. "Yeah.. It was difficult, but she managed to help me get big brain for a second." Mishizu chuckled. Mina tilted her head a bit and looked at Aya as she packed her things up. The pink hued girl gave her elven classmate a pouty look and turned over to Mishizu, kneeling as she held one of the chain summoner's hands in her own.

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