Greatness in the Making

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With the four students calming down from their fight, it was clear that they were still extremely exhausted.

Upon their return, the students were each injured throughout their battle. The fight was by no means enough to warrant them going to the nurses' office, but they still winced.

"YO, I watched you fight. You were awesome!" A sudden voice called out from the class. Kaneri looked over and saw a boy with a black mask, spikey red hair, and baggy pants running towards her.

Before Kaneri did anything, the boy known as Ejiro Kirishima stopped in front of her and extended his hand out to her.

"The names Ejiro Kirishima! The way you asserted yourself in that fight was hella cool!" The boy grinned. Kaneri stared at the boy for a while and nervously extended her hand, shaking his hand. "T..T-Thanks.." the girl nervously fumbled.

"Yeah! I also like how you managed to catch that spear tip with your mouth! That was SO COOL! You gotta show me how you did that some time!" Kirishima praised. Kaneri looked back at her teammate, visibly nervous as Himari walked past her and tried to find a place to pass out. Once she did, she allowed herself to collapse onto the floor.

"You were all AWESOME! I especially loved when you said 'GET OVER HERE'! It was pretty sweet" Said Sero, approaching the new fighters as he raised a fist up to Sada and Mishizu each.

Both with Sada walking away without returning the gesture, Mishizu chose to return the gesture with both of her hands, fist bumping both at once.

"Heh. All this means is that now, I gotta prove that my tape is better than your chains" Sero smirked, giving off a competitive feeling in his grin. "The only thing you'll prove that I'm better." The girl chuckled.

"Enough flirting. The four of you." The Sada groaned, allowing All Might a chance to speak.

"AHAHA! YES! That was indeed an ideal match! Honestly, I don't believe I can even pick an MVP in this match! For everyone played an essential role in their teams. Kaneri Doutetsu served as the offensive hero against Mishizu Averina's offensive approach, meanwhile Himari and Sada supported and even planned things out! Such an AWESOME battle!" All Might praised. The respective students grinned softly and allowed themselves to relax, allowing All Might to select the next team.

This time, it was Team B as the Villains, and Team E as the heroes.

Mina, already pumped for the fight, looked over at Todoroki as he tried to find who his partner was.

"Prepare to Lose, Villains!" The pink hued girl smirked. Todoroki gave the girl a blank stare, clearly unamused by the competition he was given.

"Shall we get going, Mon Ami?~" Aoyama grinned, allowing his sparkling personality to shine through to bring life into the scene.

With both teams making their way to the building, Todoroki and Aya Chiaki gazed at the weapon. As Aya raised her hand to the weapon, Todoroki sighed and looked over her, clearly already bored.

"I hoped we'd be against someone with Midoriya or Bakugo's ability. Try not to get in my way." Todoroki warned his teammate Before Aya could understand what the boy meant, he looked out of the window and saw that the enemy team had already entered the building.

Just as they made their way in, Todoroki used his quirk to freeze the building. The walls, floors, ceiling, all of it was covered in a thin layer of ice by a bored Shoto Todoroki. To prevent herself from freezing, Aya used a ring she wore to make a small ring of fire around her.

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