Heroic Basics

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The next day was lead by Izuku Midoriya, who had a bored Sada Toshiaki by his side. Oddly enough, Izuku found the red haired boy walking from their class alone.

And so, Izuku chose to share his concern about the trails and testing with his classmate, seeing as how they both went through it. The only difference was, Sada ranked much higher...

"I wouldn't say he was mean.. I think he just cares a lot about the job. I mean.. Hero work is a huge responsibility, you know?" Izuku asked. Sada gave a small nod, deciding that words weren't necessary for him to express that he agreed. Izuku nodded back, before having a firm hand be placed upon his shoulder.

Izuku jumped a bit and turned over, seeing Tenya Iida behind them with a look of concern.

"Izuku Midoriya. How is your finger?" He asked. Izuku reassured him that his finger was okay after being checked on by recovery girl, the school nurse.

"And Sada Toshiaki. I recall you stating that you were blind. In that case, would it offend you at all if I asked why you aren't equipped with a seeing Eye dog? Or a sort of walking stick?" Iida asked, carrying the concern in his tone.

"I have no need for either." Sada replied. "I am often guided to where I need to go by other people. I have no reason to have a Dog, or a Stick."

"I guess that makes sense.. I mean, I am technically guiding you to to the station.." Izuku commented, looking down a bit as he looked over at Sada. "That reminds me. What is your quirk?"

"Blinding stare. Whenever I look at someone, they go blind" Sada briefly replied. Izuku gave him a look of interest, taking out a notebook to write down the information, only for his attention to be pulled away by a shout from the distance.

"Hey! Wait for me! You guys are going to hangout, right?" A girl with shoulder length brown hair exclaimed. The group waited for her to catch up and introduce herself, saying that she was Ochaco Uraraka. After everyone else in the group gave their own brief explanations.

"Wait, isn't your name Deku? I remember hearing Bakugo saying that while threatening to kill you.." Ochaco hummed with confusion.

"His actual name is Izuku" Sada sighed, seeing Izuku struggle to correct Ochaco himself.

"D-Deku is a name K-Kaachan used to make f-fun of me.." Izuku nervously commented. Ochaco's face was flushed over with a look of sorrow as she frantically tried to apologize.

"Ohh! I'm sorry! If it makes you feel better, Deku sounds like a pretty sweet Hero name! Plus, I think it's pretty cute with you" Ochaco smiled. Izuku's face went bright red as he stared at Ochaco with wide eyes, renouncing his name of Izuku and going by Deku instead.

Irritated by the display, Sada sighed and began to walk faster, getting ahead of the group. "If you two are done flirting, May we hurry up?" He asked impatiently.

Ochaco and Izuku both grew bright red by Sada's comment of annoyance. They all hurried towards the station to hangout.


The very next day had the class of 1-A go through the many other classes that the school had to offer. After getting a language lecture from Present Mic who, in Sada's mind, was a Pro Hero with an irritating voice, it then it was lunch. The food there was pretty cheap considering a pro hero made it.

However, later on in the afternoon, Basic Hero Training started. Much to everyone's surprise, the teacher of this class was the Top Pro Hero himself.

All Might.

"I AM HERE! Coming through the door like a Hero!" The symbol of peace shouted.

Everyone couldn't help but stare in awe as the ultimate hero that stood before him. His smile gleamed brightly enough for any shadow in the room to be taken out. His presence alone was enough to give everyone a feeling of hope and determination. The number one hero was teaching the most important class in all of U.A. high...

Within this class, each of the students are going to be taught to fight in the name of good. In the name of maintaining peace, justice, and hope. For today's training, everyone was going to be in Combat training...

"AH Yes! One of the key elements of a hero is... Looking Good!" All Might laughed while several boxes emerged, holding what was assumed to be costumes and hero uniforms.

"These hero uniforms were specifically designed based off your quirk registrations and requests! AHA!" All Might grinned. The class cheered, eager for their chance to test their suits.


Once the class arrived to training site B, now equipped with their hero uniforms, they were all eager to test their new gear and see how far they could push themselves.

Before attending U.A. high, the students had to send measurements, quirk usage, and desired traits of their hero uniform. This was for the Clothing Allowance.

"Hah! They say the clothes make the pros young ladies and gentlemen! And you are the PROOF!" All Might exclaimed. "You all look so COOL! Now, shall we get started?!"

"Sir!" A student covered in armor shouted, revealing himself to be Tenya Iida. "This is the same fake city where we had our entrance exam. Does this mean we will be conducting urban battles again?" He asked.

"Not quite! For you see, most villain fights you witness are outside. But statistically speaking, most run ins with the most dastardly evil doers take place indoors! Think about it. Home invasion. Secret underground lairs. Villains remain hidden in shadows! As such, you will all be split into teams of Heroes and Villains for this exercise. Two-on-Two INDOOR battles!"

"Isn't this a little advanced?" Tsuyu Asui asked.

"NONSENSE! The Best training is what you get on the Battle Field!" All Might shouted with a raised fist.

"Will you be deciding who wins?
"How much can we hurt the other team?"
"Will the losers be expelled?"
"Are we split based upon chance, or comparative skill?"
"Isn't this cape almost as dazzling as I~?"

"LET ME FINISH TALKING! Listen up! The situation is this. The villains have hidden a Nuclear missile somewhere within their hideout. The heroes must foil their plans! The heroes must either capture the villains, or take their weapon! Likewise, the villains succeed if they capture the heroes, or keep their weapon safe! Now, your teams will be decided by random! I hope you're all ready."

Team A = Izuku and Ochaco
Team B = Shoto and Aya
Team C = Mineta and Momo
Team D = Bakugo and Iida
Team E = Mina and Aoiyama
Team F = Sada and Mishizu
Team G = Denki and Jiro
Team H = Tokoyami and Tsuyu
Team I = Kaneri and Himari
Team J = Sero and Kirishima

"Now then!" All Might exclaimed, reaching into two boxes. "The first two to fight shall be... THESE TWO TEAMS!" He exclaimed, pulling out D for Villains, and A for Heroes...

"Now. Everyone else may head to the monitor room to watch!"

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