USJ Panic

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Thirteen stood in the frontlines against the darkness, protecting the students as the ghost-like villain before them remained still.

"Class rep. I have a job for you." The pro called out. Iida looked to the space hero with a surprised loom as Thirteen's sight never left the villain's location.

"Run to the school and tell the faculty what's going on here. The alarms aren't sounding. And every method of communication we have is useless. I have no doubt that one of these villains is responsible for that."

"But even with EraserHead cancelling everyone's quirks, we're still sealed off from the outside world. It's possible whoever is doing this is hiding within the USJ. They could be anywhere. It would be faster for us to get outside help, rather than stay here and find whoever is responsible." Thirteen explained. Hearing the reasoning, the Villain narrowed its eyes as Iida approached the pro.

"But.. It would be disgraceful of me to leave you all behind!" Iida said. However, Mina replied. "Go! There are tons of alarms and people outside. That's why they have us in here, right?" 

"If you go outside, this guy can't follow you." Sada stated, standing by Mina's side. "Now run. It's one of the few things you're good at." 

"Use your quirk to save others. Be a real hero." Thirteen ordered. Iida paused for a second, allowing Ochako to speak up. "I can try and help you like I did before."

Iida nodded, gaining the confidence he needed to adopt a sprinting position. While preparing his engines, the villain grew and shrouded the exit in shadows. "Even if this is your only option, are you truly so foolish as to strategize in front of an enemy?!" He exclaimed, sending warp gates all over the area to try and stop Iida from his goal.

"I won't matter if you know what we're planning. Not when I'm done with you!" Thirteen shouted, raising her hand to activate a black hole from her fingertips. The force of the blackhole took down the warp gates, negating them completely.

"Black Hole!"

At the shipwreck, Mineta was shouting at Izuku for having the idea of fighting against the villains.

"THESE GUYS MIGHT BE ABLE TO KILL ALL MIGHT AND YOU WANT US TO FIGHT THEM?! DID YOU HIT YOUR HEAD WHEN YOU GOT WARPED HERE?!" Mineta screamed, crying as he panicked and stamped his feet like a child. "The best plan for us is to just wait for a Pro to come save us..!" He said through his tears.

"Think about it. The villains clearly have the advantage in the water, and assume that's where we will fight.." Izuku began, only for Mineta to scream even louder at him.

"If that's the case, the villains must have known what was inside the USJ before coming in." Tsu continued. Izuku nodded in agreement as he thought out loud. "Yeah.. and for such a carefully thought out plan, one thing doesn't add up to me.. They sent you here, Asu-...Tsu. They put you here." Izuku stated.

"WHY DOES IT MATTER THAT SHE'S HERE?!" Mineta shouted. "It means the villains probably don't know what our quirks are." Izuku stated, catching Tsu's attention.

"Ribbit.. You have a point. If they knew our quirks, they would've sent me to the fire zone instead of a place full of water.." Tsu commented.

"They probably separated us because of that. They might think they can overpower us if we're in smaller groups. Pick us off one-by-one… We can use that to our advantage." Izuku said. "They don't know what our quirks are. For all they know, we could be insanely powerful. After all, no one is trying to climb into the boat… They're being careful. Careful enough to not underestimate us, and wait…" Izuku finished.

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