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A: I know I mostly start of my stories before starting the chapters but.... it accidentally got erased while I was editing this the Character Info. For about 5 freakin' times! So I'll just add it up after Chapter 1 or two.... Or maybe not? But whatever

Your POV

"Y/n! Can you come over here?!" aunt Asumi yelled from the first floor since Im in My room which was the the 2nd floor....

I sighed and grabbed the remote to pause the show I was watching at Youtube.... Titled 'Kimetsu No Yaiba'

I immedialy made my way down stairs seeing aunt Asumi and Uncle Hiro sitting at the sofa.... Which was unusual since they were often out for hero work....

"Yes auntie??" I asked as I was walking down the stairs...

"Oh Sweety!, take a seat" auntie said as I sat down at the single sofa infront of them

"Ok Hon—" I immediately cut off uncle's words

"Get straight to the point uncle, Im watching anime" I said....

Since they already new.... That I would pick anime than anything else...

"Ok then, we want you to go to school" Dad said

"School's boring uncle" you said with a bored tone

"Not regular school, hero school" Auntie said

"I already got my license" I said with complete bordem in my voice

They both looked at each other....

"In Japan" they said in unison

"Still a— in where?!" I asked... Yelled actually

"In Matsutafu Japan" auntie

Wait.... Japan.... Where anime is made! Meaning there are more merch.  There!

"when's the flight?!" I immediately asked

"Tomorrow" uncle answered

"Ok Im packing!" I said as I stood and sprinted off back to my room

"So is that yes?!" uncle Yelled which I didn't amswered....

"Im going to Japan!" I said as I used my Telekinesis Quirk to levetated my things that I need to bring with me....

No. Of Travel bags: 5
Bags with clothes and need neccesities: 2
Bags with Manga and other stuff: 3

The next Day Airport

Were now at the airport.... Since I was going for a Private plane Me and my guardians talked for awhile

"So you'll go to school?" uncle asked

"If you move 10,000 Yen to my bank account at Japan its a deal" you said
(JPY to USD = ¥10,000 = $95.73)

"And where will you be using 10k yen?" uncle asked

"Merch, food, clothes, for shopping etc." you said with a smile

"*sigh* fine, you'll be going at U.A" uncle informed....

"U.A? Where some Pro's recommeded me before?" I asked

"Yup" uncle

"Ok.... Whatever, anyways.... Where will I be staying?" I asked

"One of our mansion's there" Auntie

"Which one?" I asked

"the one that you chose" auntie answered

"Yes!" I said since I Choosed that house since it had One room that had a hidden room in it....

"Ok then.... The plane's about to go... Bye sweetie, message us if you arrive at the house, we'll be the ones fixing your papers" auntie said

That's hard work... Since I finished up school 5 years ago.... And getting my hero license 2 years ago when I was 12....

Well.... Anyways....
I hope I could get along with students.......

Well I wish....


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