Filler!| Little Y/n!

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Author's note:

Y/n was currently walking with Aizawa to school when some random man bumped into her shoulder

"Hey!" You said facing the man

"Oh sorry, I was just in a rush" the man excused

"Hmm... Ok... Sorry for yelling at you but sir Please avoid bumping into people" you adviced the man nodded before he walked away

"Let's hurry class is abou—" Aizawa was caught of with you suddenly disappearing 

"Y/n?" He asked looking around until he felt something bump with his feat....

And there he saw....... A little Y/n wearing her U.A uniform which was now over sized since she was on a size of a 5 year old...

"Shit" he said before kneeling to your size it was obvious that it was you since he's your uncle after all he known you since his Sister gave birth to you.

"Hey kid can you change clothes?" He asked since as he remembered you got your quirk when you were four

You nodded with a smile before clapping your hands once and in an instance you were wearing simple white floral dress and black shoes your hair which was noe until you knees was tied into pig tails

'Your still damn cute huh?' He thought before carrying you and proceeded to walk to U.A

As he arrived to U.A he went to the principal's office although classes here already starting

"Oh hello Aizawa, wjat brings your here?" Asked the hybrid principal

Aizawa then pulled his scarf slightly and popped out a five year old Y/n

"Oh...dear what happened to her?" He asked

"She got bumped with some male then this happened" he explained lazily

"I see, their's been reports about people turning into Five year olds, but don't worry this will wear off after two days" Nezu said

"I see, then I'll be going to class then" Aizawa said before leaving the room with Y/n sitting on his shoulders....

"Ok, don't forget about the meeting in 10 minutes!" He reminded

He went into the classroom making the class jaw drop

"S-sensei! I didn't know you had a daughter!" Mina said with a shockinly surprised expression

"I don't this is Y/n, we just got into a little trouble a while back" Aizawa explained while placing Y/n down to the podium

The class stared in her in awe she was looking extremely cute, no wonder she looks a goddess at her 15 year old looks....

"Now, you'll be watxhing over her, we have a meeting in 5 minutes, Y/n behave, and if something happens to her your all going to be expelled" Aizawa said and you nodded like a obedient child while the class looked terrified with his Tone upon saying 'your all going to be expelled' was truely venomous and scary they know that he wasn't joking

With that Aizawa left...

You stared in the class and they stared at you....

"Maybe this is easy, Y/n looks well trained in her normal size so it won't be any different when it comes to her 5 year old form right?" Kaminari asked it was obvious that they all didn't know how to take care of a kid

"your Right, now Y/n what do you want to—" Iida was cut off when you were climbing towards the window that was opened

You almost fell luckily Sero caught you with his tape on time was you landed on his table

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