Chapter 15| Full Strength

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Author's POV


"I can also manipulate the elements, Sho-kun" you said, using your air element to push him out of the boundaries but he managed to create a wall of ice to stop him from falling.......


Far from the audience there was a certain flaming hero watching your match his lips forming a smirk upon seeing the two of you fight.....

"I really don't like to hurt you anymore Sho-kun" You said going into a stance

"Im going all out at you Y/n don't you think you should do the same?" He asked

"As much as you'll wish but it will mostl likely kill you" You answered, dodging his attacks as you said so

He remained silent feeling the pain in his back from the impact he got from your attack

"Then, would you mind using your other quirks" He stated catching you off guard
He took this as a chance sending an immense amount of ice towards you just like what he did with Sero covering up your intire body

Seconds passed yet you didn't do anything worring the Pros how were you doing inside that huge ammount of ice

"Y-y/n is imm—" Before the R-rated hero could finish her sentence the Ice covering up your entire body suddenly emmited to purple flames it's heat reaching the other students and the people all arpund the arena....

"It's sooooo hot!"
"It's like were near the sun!" Some students and Pros exclaimed

"WHAT A HOT SURPRISE! IM FEELING COOKED IN HERE!" Present Mic yelled at the mic....

Todoroki had his eyes wide open as your flames died down there they saw the petite girl who was trapped in the immense amount of ice, standing unscratched it wasm't that much visible but Todoroki, the Pros and Class 1-A noticed your sudden change of appearance your eyes glowed into a dark shade of red, your hair changing into f/c, an f/c glow covering your body

"How harsh, that was indeed cold, Shoto" You said your voice was somehow scary sending chills down the spines of the people who heard you

Raising up your hand as some force suddenly sent Todoroki flying of the bounds hitting is back on the walls....

"T-Todoroki Shoto is out of bounds! Y/n L/n wins!" Midnight announced with pure shock with that you eyes and your hair went back to normal the glow on your body disappeared as the crowd started cheer as they recovered from shock....

You on the other hand hurried over to Todoroki's spot as he sat on the ground wincing in pain

"S-sorry.... I think I wemt overboard" you said as you placed your hands on his arms as an F/c glow traveled around his body his wounds starting to heal....

"I-it's o-okay" he said upon losing consciousness, the small robots soon then came placing him on the stretcher as they carried them to the infirmary you on the other also exited the arena.....

"Ok! Let's have a small break while we fix on the stage! And for Y/n L/n and Katsuki Bakugo Prepare for their match!" Present Mic announce, your fight with Todoroki didn't give much damage on the stage.... But when your flames immeted it melted almost half of the stage so with the stands by the back of the location you stood at while back so they had to fix that too....

You on the other hand went at to the waiting room

"Cr@p! What if that might killed him! I didn't know what got in to me! I just saw images and.... Ahhh!" You panicked as you remembered the images that flashed in your mind while being trapped in Todoroki's mind


While being trapped into Todoroki's ice you were completely trapped

"I can't move" you panicked mentally when images flashed in your mind

"Your not having my daughter!" A man yelled yet his face was blurry making you unable to see his face but he was wearing a black suit

"I have my rights to have her! Your a villain! How could I not notice this! All this years that we've been together!" A woman yelled back her face was also blurry.... But somehow the background wasn't they were at a simple kitchen

"I have my rights #@7£&-#+! Im still her father!" The man yelled and for a reason when he mentioned the name of the woman it was silent as if that flashback didn't want you to know that name

With that the image change it became a piture of a family a man and woman their faces were blurred but they we wearing formal clothes standing beside a chair where a h/c haired child sat with a bright smile on her face..... She looked exactly like you...  But based on the looks of the child she was 4 years old

The imaged soon again changed....

The scene looked like you were seated between two adults from your previous flashbacks yet their faces were still blured a man in a blue suit who looked like an attorney sat infront of the tree of you

"Sorry, but as the law says @&#-+£ L/n wins custody over Y/n &@&#, you did ask your daughter, the both of you want her to be in each one's care.... And by deals you two made whoever wins decides whether Y/n can see her father/mother" the Attorney said......

With that thw flashback was cut off with you hearing Midnight's voice who's about to announce you immobalized....

End of Flashback

"Who was that man, that woman.... I can't remember them! If they're my parents.... How!? Aunt Ayuri said I has given to them When I was a year old!" You exclaimeds your hands combing your hair which was now untied

"Y/n!" the door suddenly opened revealing your classmates making you immediately act as if you were tying your hair

"Y-yeah?" You responded

"You were so cool!" The girls chirpped

"I didn't know that you were that strong Y/n!" Midoriya exclaimed

"T-thank you" you said as a ribbon appeared on your hand as your tied your hair up smiling at them

"Oh Y/n are you ok? We heard some yelling from here but we didn't hear them clearly" Jiro said as the rest of the class nodded

"Ah.... I was talking with my aunt" you lied

"Oh! So what did they say?" Hagakure asked

"They just congratulated me and said goodluck" you replied

"How supportive, but hey Y/n may I ask why did your eyes turn to a dark shade of red while back?" Kaminari asked catching you off guard

"Hey! I think the stage is almost done! You guys should go back at the stands.... I still need to go see Todoroki, so see ya!" You said sprinting out of the room

"what was that?" Uraraka asked

"Yeah... She dodged that question, Kero" Tsuyu added

"Maybe it's personal matter" Momo guessed

"Yeah,maybe your right" Kirishima agreed

"Well... Then let's wait for her to open up to us" Midoriya said

"She seemed flustrated when we entered though" Hagakure said making the class look at her

"Well... She did look stressed when we entered" Shoji said

"Hey, I think she's right let's head back to the stands" Jiro saod upon hearing the noise from the arena

The class agreed and went off....

You on the other hand was waiting by the halls where you'll enter to be on the arena a f/c glow on your body as it healed your wounds....
"Was that.....
A part of my past?" You asked yourself while watching Cementos fix up the stage.....

"If that's the case I need answers" you mumbled........

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