Character Information

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Name: Y/n

Last name: L/n

Age: 15

Birthday: (Insert date of Birth)

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 51 kg.

Eye color: E/c

Hair color: h/c to f/c

Hair length: Long until your thighs
(A: if your hair isn't that long please imagine it is since it will suit the story)

Skin color s/c



Quirk: Elements, Telekinesis, Full Mark, Steal

Elements: ables you to control, create, manipulate the different typs of elements Major and Sub elements though you can't control all the sub elements (simce you'll be toouch over powered)

Elements that you can control:
•Water     •Air        •Fire 
•Earth      •Ice         •Lightning

Facts About this quirk of yours:
-you can create weapons out of these elements

-for each element you can summon weapon from them
Example: for your Ice Element you can summon uniquely beautiful swords

-you can teleport by using your Air element

-you can combine elements to make a new power
Ex: Air + Lightning = Speed

-you flames comes in different colors depending on their temperature

-you can control these elements evwn if its not yours
Ex: you can control Todoroki's ice and flames

You get very sleepy when you over use this quirk so you'll end up sleeping until your stamina is fully recovered.


You can control anything that your eyes can see either by your mind, hand or words you can't control land though....

Facts about this quirk:

-you can controll anything you like

You get severe headaches

Full Mark:
(Bow and arrow)

One hundred shots, one hundred hits. You realese a single arrow from the bow then it will multiply into hundreds of arrows and hit your Targets.

This Quirk of yours have an ability called 'Bullseye" where your bow and arrows goes in the shape of a pheonix, which can be Knocked with arrows of the user's choice. The released arrow from the bow is able to bypass barriers and cannot be stopped until it reached it's target

(A: I got this from an Anime called 'Mairimashita! Iruma-kun!' which is the Bloodline magic of the Barbatos and Balse family)

Facts about this quirk:

-for creating a bow you'll just summon it since its part of your quirk same goes for arrows

-for arrows can be summoned too but that will only work for the Full Mark, so enble to use 'Bullseye' you need to create a bow of your own so you use your elements.

-due to this quirk of yours your ranked as a S+ sharp shooter

Your arms get tired, you muscles will become stiff for awhile

You can steal quirks.

There's two ways how you can steal quirks:
1.) steal them completely, leaving the original owner quirkless

2.) copy them and make it permanently yours, the person who'll you'll copy will still have it's quirk...
(More like Monoma's but you get to keep the quirk)

But your body needs 5 minutes to adopt the quirk in your body before you can use it. If you use it immediately without waiting for 5 minutes you'll reach your limit faster

-you can only copy 5 quirks per Week but if you'll steal you can steal as many as you want

-if you steal or copy quirks you can give them back or give them to other people by will.

Quirks that you copied:

Healing - you can heal yourself or somebody else even it's a severe one.

- you can heal the ones who'll almost die but they'll end up in a coma for awhile

-you copied this from a friend back in america

-you use this to undo the drawbacks of your Full Mark and telekinesis quirk

Cloth Change:
You can change into cloths by just snapping your fingers or just imagining it.
You can use this to othe people too.
As long you can imagine the design of that ourfit.

-you copied this with your friend who's a fashionist.

Your body will get numb for awhile.
This drawback will happen if you pass your limit in copying quirks or if you over use the quirks that you copied except this doesn't work with the 'cloth change' since its limitless.


Ayuri L/n
Status: unknown

Status: unknown

Couple Status: Divorced

Legal Guardians:

Aunt: by mother side's sister
Asumi Williams
Status: alive
Occupation: Pro Hero

Uncle: husband of your Aunt
Hiro Williams
Status: Alive
Occupation: Pro Hero

Couple status: Married


Uncle: brother of Asumi but not related to Ayuri
Shota Aizawa
Status: Alive
Occupation: Pro Hero

Uncle: friend of Aizawa
Yamada Hizashi
Status: Alive
Occupation: Pro Hero

Personal Status: (Both engaged to each oth— I mean).... Both single

Facts about you:

-you finished school when you were 10

-your naturally smart

-people think your wearing make up but the truth is your not so you wipe your face to prove them wrong

-your hair color is h/c until the length of your elbows and f/c until the length of your thighs.

-your talented in using any kind of weapons
Reason: unknown (for now...)

-your senses are superhuman just like Genya, Kanao and the trio in KnY

A: that's all.... That's the thing you'll need to know...... For Now

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