Chapter 16| Finals

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Warning!: Short Chapter!

Author's POV

"Now that our short Break is over!
We are now heading up to the finals of our sports Festival" Present Mic Yelled as the crowd cheered louder

"Let's get this started! A battle against two individuals who manages to climb up on top! Our Explosive Merciless, Strong Hero in Training! Katsuki Bakugo! Vs our Fearless, Sassy, unbeatable fighter! Who happened to have more matches! Y/n L/n!"

The two off you stood there facing each other staring at each other intensely

"Don't you dare go easy on me multi-b*tch" he stated

"Im not planning to" you answered the two of you tensed up into a fighting stance as you waited for the signal to start

"Our Final match! Now commence!"

With that the both of you didn't waste any time.... Bakugo sent a huge explosion towards you, while you sent orange flames towards him creating a strong gust of wind flow at the arena sending the views to the back of their seats...

"What an explosive start!" Present Mic exclaimed as he was fixing himself since he was sent backwards

as the dust cleared down from blocking the sights from the two of you... As they saw the both of you there eyes widened

The two of you were still standing both u scratched

"Is that all you got?" He asked with a smirk on his face yet you didn't answer instead you send ice daggers towards him as he Sent an explosion to deflect them

With that you teleported behind him as you landed a round house kick from the back making him fall on the ground you were to quick he wasn't able to react

"She has such speed" some of the pros murmured

As Bakugo went back up standing up he faced you with a hint of anger visible on his eyes giving you a death glare as he stared to your now emotionless e/c eyes....
he sent explosions towards you which you dodge with ease.....

"Why aren't you using you damn quirks?!" He yelled still sending explosions towards you which you dodged without even breaking a sweat.... everyone who was watching was all Watching closely waithing for your move

getting tired from all the dodging you snapped your fingers as He Suddenly stopped in place

"What's this?! Bakugo suddenly stopped from sending attacks with just a snap of her Fingers! Just how strong is she?!"

"I only Controlled your body to stop moving " You stated your voice colder than ice

Bakugo really wanted to yell and attack you but he couldn't control over his own body

With this you raised your hand motioning your pointing finger in a circular motion as he suddenly turned around

"Walk out" you stated with this he immediately started walking

"What's this?! Bakugo suddenly goes obedient following L/n's orders?! Deja vú?!"

but when he was about to walk out of the bounderies he halted

"This won't be fun" You said snapping your fingers with that he immediately sent a large explosion towards you, smoke covered around you as it died down they only saw you to be protected by a water barrier

you undid your barrier sprinting towards him, while dodging his attacks you sent fire, and air blades towards him which he barely dodge while doing so you sneaked behind him tackling him down to the ground pinning him down, with you holding his hands against his back

"Give up" you ordered

"As if!" He said sending an explosion towards your face which you immediately dodged by jumping backwards landing on your feet in a frog-like postion you right hand pressing the ground to catch your balance your left hand raised to the air backward which you moved forward sending ice towards him as he jumped to dodge your attack.... You immediately stood up sending more ice towards him which he deflected by sending his explosions to destroy them....

Using your water element you created a whip made out of water as you motioned it towards him wrapping it around his torso throwing him off the boundaries sending him to hit the wall harshly

"Katsuki Bakugo's out of grounds! Y/n L/n wins the Sports festival!" Preaemt Mic announced as the crowd cheered.....

With that your eyes went back to normal with emotions spreading over them you ran towards Bakugo who fell unconscious due the impact.... With that he got lifted to the stretcher before they could carry him off you placed your right hand on his forehead as a his body glowed with an f/c color as his wounds vanished as the bots carried him away....

"Wow! Does she have a habit on sending her opponents of the bounderies and hit the wall then heal them afterwards?!" Present mic asked as he rememberes how did you beat Mina, Tokoyami and Ibara, Todoroki and Bakugo you sent them out of ground hitting the wall except for the girls....

With that you sighed and exited thw arena as Present Mic annoumce that they'll just wait for Bakugo to Gain conscious and Todoroki and you recover his Stamina then the awarding ceremony will commence.....

You went back to your place where your classmates seated... As you entered they immediately contratulated you welcoming you in a deadly group hug....

"T-thanks guys" you thanked them

"Congrats on winning Y/n!" They said in unison

"Thanks! So wanna take bite?" You asked...

With that you all went to the Cafeteria to have some snacks.....

Somewhere else.....

"You grew up to be strong I see" A man said facing the screens while watching the sports festival.....

"I wondered...... if you have inherited my quirk....."

"Her strength passed All Might's Power"
"We will meet soon Y/n" 
"Just you wait...... Father's coming Over"

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