Chapter 12| Final Events Pt. 3

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Author's POV

As you walked through the path ways.... You took a deep sigh as you entered the arena... With cheers greeting you....

"And now give it for our 5th Match of the day! Both from the hero Course! IS THERE A PURPOSE FOR THE THINGS COMMING OUT OF HER HEAD?! FROM CLASS 1-A! MINA ASHIDO VERSUS OUR S+ RANKED SHARP SHOOTER AND CLASS 1-A'S PRODIGY! Y/N L/N! " The loud cheerful Pro Hero stated giving up the large gap between your abilities and hers....

"Good luck Mina!" You said as she replied with a Nod determination written over her face, you both going to a stance waiting for the signal.....


With that the pink haired female didn't wasn't anytime going to the offensive side sending acid towards your direction which you quickly dodged

"Give me all you got Y/n!" the pink-nette said sprinting towards you

Thanks to your advanced eye sight and advanced brain you managed to predict her move and immediately moving to the side making her almost stumble.... Which she picked up her pace avoiding to get faced first to the ground

"As Much As I want to... I wish to save my energy for later" you stated as you stood up taking a deep breath.....

With that flicking your hand as she swiftly got sent out of bounds With your control.... Nearly hitting the wall

"Y/n L/n advances to the 2nd Round!" Midnight announced as you walked towards Mina

"Great job back their Mina!" you cheered helping her up since she fell but first to the ground after you release her out of your quirk's control

"Thanks! Congrats!" she said probably not bitter about anything coz she noticed.....

You let her show off her quirk before doing your move with that both of you walked back to where the rest of your classmates are seated... With that you went back to your seat seeing him checking on your phone's design....

"That's a personalized design" You informed as he scoffed giving you back your phone

"I knew that" he mumbled

"Sure you did" you told him

"So who's match is next?" you asked Kaminari who happens to be sitting next to Bakugo

"Tokoyami and Yaoyorozu" he answered.....

"Interesting so who do yo—" you were cut off by your phone suddenly ringing....

"Unregestered number" you said seeing the unnamed caller at your phone..... But you answered it anyways

Italics- Caller

"Hello, Y/n speaking" You said as you placed the call on speaker

"Y/n! My precious niece! You really did good back their! What do you what when we send yourl something there?!" A female voice asked which was your aunt

"The usual's nice, and bye" yo said ending the call

"Guess my aunt changed her cellphone number"

"Who was that?" Kirishima asked

"My aunt, from States, Aizawa-sensei's sister in younger sister" You said with a small smile on your face

Time skip
(A: Since Im kinda lazy about detailing the other fights)

Your POV

So far Shinso, Sero, Mei, Kaminari, Mina, Yaoyorozu have been eliminated..... Tetsutetsu and Kirishima's fight ended up on a draw since they both passed out so they'll be having a arm wrestling match when they wake up

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