Chapter 5| Declaration of War

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Your POV

After Class~~~

"What's going on?!" Uraraka Exclaimed as she opened the door that was blocked by students from the other classes

"No way out! What're they here for?" Mineta asked

"Scooping out the competition duh, small Fry" Bakugou said

"Cuz were the kids who survived a villain attack, makes sense they'd want a look before the sports festival" he continued stepping a few steps forward

"No point though, move aside Extras" he said

"Can you please not resort to calling people you dont even know 'extras'?" Iida scold

A sudden dude popped out of the crowd... He was rather familiar....

"Its true. We came to get a look but you sure are modest.

Are all the kids in the hero course like this?" The purple haired dude said

"Huh?!" Bakugou said with and angry tone

"Gotta say Im a little disillusioned if this is what your offering

Those of us who didn't make it to the Hero course are stuck in General Studies and the other tracks

There are a quite a few of us. Did you know that?" he said walking his way infront of Bakugou

I just walked forward stopping behind Iida

"Depending on the results of this sports festival..... They might consider transferring us to the hero course" he continued...

"I understand the reverse is also possible for you... Scooping out the competition? For a general studies kid like me....

This'll be a perfect chance to knock you off your pedestals, consider this a declaration of war" he said and daring as ever....

Then a sudden guy popped over again....

"Hey! Im from class 1-B next door!! Heard you guys fought some villains. Wanted to find out more but.... All Im seeing is this arrogant bastard!!" another daring guy said....

"Wont they be done yet?" I mumbled

"You better not make fools of the hero Course at this thing!!" the guy with silver hair said

"I wonder what's this commotion all about?" I asked taking a step forward going enxt to Bakugo

Bakugou just shoved his way out not caring about rhe students he pushes away saying he doesn't give any crap about them

"Ara~ Im sorry about him, I do suppose your all here by our classroom door for a declaration of War?" I asked with my sweerest smile....

Author's POV

You flashes your sweetest smile making your classmates and the other students infront of you stay silent

"Well If that's the case.... I hope you'll all gve your all! Not being cocky or anything.... Let's All do our best" you cheered happily

"Anyways.... I still have to do a request back at Powerloader-sensei's Workshop, so see you" you said.... Without any word thwy all mafe way for you to pass~~~~

Power Load's Work-Shop

(A: Idk if Mei was in the sea of Students back at Class 1-A's door but I'll just make that she is)

Your POV

You entered the workshop seeing to Pro Hero working on something....

"Oh hey, Y/n!, what are you doing here?" Power Loader ask

"Oh Im here to send a quick request for My P.E Uniform, I got the request approval from The principal" I said showing him the piece of paper he took a look at it approving

"Ok then so what's your request?" He asked

"Well Its not much... I was just going to request if you can make my P.E uniform fire proof, my flames can either shoot, create or cover Around my body since We wont be ablento use our Hero costumes Im wondering if ypu could do that with my Uniform" I asked

"Ok, sure!, you can have It in 3 days" He answered

"Take your time sensei I have a spare one" I said

"Ok then" He said

I then waved off and bit goodbye....

While I was walking along the hallways I notice a certain purple haired guy... I approached him easily....

"Hey there!" I said as I went infront of him

"Your that girl from earlier" he said

"yup! Im Y/n L/n" I introduced myself

"Hitoshi Shinso" he said

"Your really brave back there being able to face Bakugo-san" I said

He stayed silent....

"Hey so what's your quirk?" I asked him

"brainwash" he said....

I stayed silent for awhile.....

"Woah that's so cool! So how do you do that?" I asked

"Your not scared?" he asked Me

"Scared? For what reason?" I asked looking confused

"About my quirk, aren't you going to say that its villainous?" he asked.....

Help but....

"What's so funny?" he asked

"Hahaha!, nonsense! villainous? Say who?" I asked as I calmed myselg down from my laughing state

"People" he answered

"There's no such thing as a villainous quirk you know" I said looking outside the window...

"Huh?" he asked as he looked at me

"If you want to be a hero, then be a hero, if you want to be a villain then be a villain, same goes if you just want to be a plain civilian..... Quirks are all the same, there's no such thing as a villainouse or heroic quirk, if people think that there is a villainous quirk then their nothing else than a villain" I said not giving him a glance

"What..... Do you mean?" he asked me once again

"Isn't that a villain's work? Criticing people?, hurting them? Physical, or mental, emotional or what ever it still hurts words cut deeper that a knife you know?" I said giving him a smile

"That's why.... I see.... Everyone as equal" I said

He gave me a confused look

"Hero, Villain or Civilian what ever you occupation is it's just the same were all humans you know.... Villains are broken people, either want revenge over somethings, Villains aren't born they're made because of people criticing them, Heroes have many types, ones who really wanrlt peace, ones who save people without any exchange, ones for power, ones for fame and fortune, so tell me Shinso what difference does it make?" I asked him

"N-nothing" he stammered

"See? So believe me you quirk Ism't villainous" I said

"How..... How can you talk so mature about that?" he asked me

"Well.... Having multiple quirks doesn't mean your strong or true, some people calls you a freak or monster for it, I also have this quirk called 'steal' Ables me to steal a quirk, I use it sometimes but I only copy that quirk making it permanently mine" I said

"People said It villainous too you know...... So that's where I took that Idea of mine so Shinso-san don't say yoyr quirks villainous" I said

And left him there

"See you at the sports festival!" I said before I left completely....

Author's POV

Little did the two of you know.... There were teachers.... Listening to your conversation.....

"She really grows up to fast"

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