Chapter 7| Obstacle Race

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"In three" Midnight said starting the count down

I focused as I nearly dug the tips of my feet to the ground


I prepared myself in a position where I could get a head start....


I took a deep breath

"Go!" As Midnight said that I started sprinting my way to the exit

"This is already the start of the obstacle course... So I'll just be doing this" I mumbled to myself as I used my Air element to balance my position as I jump to the ceiling and started running from their freely as the students looked at me... I saw Todoroki Blast off his Ice I increased my speed as I jumped of back to the ground doing a flip landing gracefully in my feet as I used my flames to melt his Ice

"We start off with a bang!!! With Y/n L/n from class 1-A taking the lead!! With Shoto Todoroki making an icy doom for every student and immobilizing them with his quirk!"  Present mic annouced

I saw Todoroki behind me as I increased my speed

I heard some explosions from behind... I took a quick look and it was Bakugou catching up....

So he's late starter......

I also saw Momo, Kirishima and Aoyama catching up....

"Get back here you half and half bastard! You to multi-b*tch" Bakugou screamed.... Catching up

"Thanks for the Nickname!" I said still focusing on the track

Mineta started catching up as he threw his pop-off balls to Todoroki when he suddenly got hit by a robot.....

"Oooh! Enemies that showed up from no where! I het were in a treat here!" Present Mic stated

"Our test strict than Kind (a: Idk what he was saying in this part) its the..... Robo Inferno!"

I stopped looking at the robots as Todoroki suddenly freezes the entire robot as he ran... I notice that he froze the robot in an unbalanced position purposely

I quickly summoned my bow and shot an arrow and concentrated.....

"Target locked! 100 shots!" I said as I released a single arrow and as it went towards the robot it multiplied to a hundred arrows

"Woah!! Whats this?! Y/n L/n from decided to show her S+ ranked shooting skills" Present mic said

After Aiming I flicked my hands and my bow disappeared as i started sprinting passing Todoroki as I gave him a wink....

Both Pros started talking about Todoroki and Me but I didn't give Any notice....  As I looked back seeing the distance between me and Todoroki we were far enough.... I just shot arrows at the robots that were comming my way....

Until I reached the next Obstacle.....

"Looks like Y/n L/n was reached our second obstacle!
for those who thought that the first obstacle was Easy, let's see how you feel about the second one! THE FALL!!" Present mic said....

As he said it I looked down seeibg that is was super deep.... Who evers falls from here will have a HARD FALL

With that I used my water Element to slide me across with my air element supporting it.....
The others were also catching up so I quicken my speed jumping out to air as I landed back on track gracefully running towards the next Obstacle


With that I took a high jump and creating an ice platform as I snapped my fingers as my shoes immediately turned to ice skates as I skated through air with ease keeping my balace in....

Credits to Present Mic For narrating though....

I saw Todoroki freeze the track gliding woth ease but I was still on the lead..... Bakugou was also catching up with his explosions making him fly....

I quicken up my pace until I heard a loud explosion seeing Midoriya flying the air riding a piece of the robots from earlier.....passing through the three of us....

"Nice thinking Midoriya-san!" I said as he went pass through me

I saw him almost near the finish line....
With that I stopped making platforms and snapped mt fingers turning my shoes back to normal as I jumped down started running trying to pass Midoriya.... But....

"The first to get bafk to the stadium is the first place winner!.....IZUKU MIDORIYA! AND Y/N L/N CATCHING UP TAKING SECOND PLACE!"

I rested my hands on my knees catching my breath as I glance at Midoriya who was doing the same I stood up and went near him

But before I could speak......

"L/n-san! Im sorry for not letting you win!" he said bowing

"No need to say sorry Midoriya-san, you deserved it congratulations on taking first place.... And please call me Y/n" I said

"T-thanks, You can call me I-Izuku" He said

"Ok then Izuku-kun! Goodluck on the Second round!" I said

And with that Todoroki went in 3rd, with Bakugo being 4th.... As others came in taking the other places

I snapped my fingers as 2 water bottles appeared on my hand as I reached the other to Izuku

"Thanks" he said grabbing the bottle was he chugged up on it....

"your welcome" I said as Another popped up in my hand as I went to the panting Todoroki

"Here you go" I said giving him the othe bottle

He looked at me as if he has having second thoughts about grabbing it

"Don't worry I used my quirk where in I just imagine things and it will appear" I said and smile.... Well he took it anyways....

"Thank you" he said

"Your welcome, congratulations by the way" I said and left....

I was going to approach.... Bakugou but nevermind....

later on the others started coming up I saw Yaoyorozu comming up as I went up to her

"Nice work Yaoyorozu" I congratulated her

"Thanks Y/n, Y'know dragging Mineta across the finish line was No fun" She said showing Mineta who was clinging to her P.E top

"Hey Im not that bad!" mineta exclaimed

"Yeah.... you weren't that bad.... Coz you were the worst!" I said Kicking him out of Momo's Jacket

"Thanks Y/n"

"No prob." I said giving her a thumbs up and gave her some water

As the last 42nd placer entered I contratulated him (or was it A girl? But Meh) and reached him a water bottle

"Thank you" he said

"Your welcome" I said giving a smile....

After that we got called back to the main stage for the annoucement for the next game...
As the screen showed the top 42 students....

"Only the top 42 students will advance to the next round!, but do not be to let down if you didn't make it to the cut! We prepared other opportunities for you to shine!" Midnight said licking her lips....

Ok.... That's just too much....

"Now! The real fun is about to begin! The chance to fully move yourself to the limelight! Give it in and do your best! Let's see what we have in store for you next! Will your wildest fantasies come to life? Or could it be.... The waiting torture! Prepare yourselves for this!"

'A calvary battle?'

Midnight then again explained the rules of the game....

Well lucky me I have 205 points, I'll be needing help... But Izuku seems to looking all pale..... Why?

Because he's worth 10 000 Points

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