Chapter 19| Internships (Part 1)

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After Class~~

"Your internships starts in a week, for this all-important decision…
I'lll be handing out the personalized list to those whoe were drafted. You may choose from among those who scouted you"

'I think I'll be the one having a hard time' you thought as yoy rested your cheek in your palm

"For those who were not drafted… the list I just passed out contains forty agencies from all over the country willing to accept interns. You will choose one among the list. Each has a different specialty and Region give your choice some real thought." Aizawa continued

(A: you have a total of 164 sheets of paper in your desk. 6,543 ÷ 40 =163.5, 40 agencies are typed in one paper, but there's one paper that only got 5)

Looking at the stack of sheets you took out the first sgeet of paper, scanning your eyes in the sheet your currently reading.... You stopped scanning when you saw the five agencies listed in pattern

Nighteye Hero Agency
Endeavor Hero Agency
Hawks Hero Agency
Best Jeanist Hero Agency
Edgeshot Hero Agency

'4 of the Top 5 Heroes, and All Might's former Sidekick...... dang... It's like all The top 10 heroes are here' you thought

"Oh looky here.... It is" you said as you read the names following

(A: Idk who are the former ranked 7 hero and idk what are the names if the Former 6, and 8 except for Gang Orca (former rank 10) anf Ryukyu (former rank 9))

"Submit your choices by this comming weekend"


Your classmates then begun talking about the hero agencies that they were going to join in for the internships... Well you in tge other hand..... Werr shredding the papers of names of agencies you don't plan to join

"How avout you Y/n— Y/n! What are you doing?!" Uraraka exclaimed as she saw you shredding the papers, Todoroki was even helping you

"Oh Im Shredding the papers which have the names of agencies I don't plan to join" You said

"Y-you can just cross them out right?" Midoriya asked

"I already did So Im just not wasting time tomorrow... So Im disposing them now" you answered while placing another paper into tge shredder

"Your not stopping her Todoroki?!" Sero asked the multi haired male who was also placing paper to the shredder which the to shredded into pieces instantly

"She asked for Help so Im just helping her" Todoroki shortly answered

"And where did you guys even get the shredder?!" Sero asked

"Oh I asked Momo" you said

"Really Yaoyorozu?!"

"Sorry.... I just...  Can't decline..... She used those..... Puppy eyes of hers" Momo said

"Hehe.... Sorry Momo...." You apologized

"It's fine" Momo said

"You should promise not to used that look of yours Y/n" Kaminari said

"No promises!" You said childishly

"But hey What hero Agency are you going In Y/n?" Uraraka asked....

"Still not sure.... But Im choosing between Nighteye's agency and Endeavor's agency" you said making Todoroki glance At you

"Cool! You got and offer from the number 2 hero?!" Kaminari asked

"The top 10 actually.... Minus All Might" you said

"Your really awesome Y/n!" Mina said

"You guys are awesome too... So do you guys want to hang out? My treat"  you asked them... But as much as the boys wanted to come the girls shooed them away saying that it's 'girls bonding'

(A: Im using the manga as reference so if there eill be some difference between the dialogues)

days later~~~~~

Where: Matsutafu Train Station
When: idk
Why: internships

Your POV

"You've got your costumes right? Wearing them in public is strictly prohibited, but don't drop them" Uncle Shota told us

"Yeahhh!" Mina answered cheerfully

"Don't slur your 'yeah' Ashido. All of you will be on your best behavior! Now go" Uncle Shota said

Since you had decided to go to the Endeavor Hero Agency you'll be heading with Todoroki.

"Ne, can I call you Sho-kun?" You asked him

"S-sure...." He answered

"*smiles brightly* you can call me N/n then" you said, giving him a closed eyed smile and believe it or not.... His heart skipped a beat...

"If you say so" he answered

"hmmm..... So what's your favoritr color?"

Well... This is going to be a long train ride for the both of them

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