Chapter 9| Talk

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Time: After Todoroki's confrontation with Midoriya

Your POV

As we parted ways... I walked by the hallways only to be dragged by a a certain Icy-hot male –_–

"Todoroki-kun?" I called out his name in a questioning manner only to recieve nothing as an answer so I just let him drag me.....

100000000 years of dragging me later~~~

We finally stopped as I only realized that were already out of the building

"You need something Todoroki-kun?" I asked him tilting my head slightly

"L/n.... Are you aware of quirk marriages?" He asked

"Yes.... That's where two people get married to have an off-spring who was the chances of having a better quirk right?" I asked him as he nodded......

"So what about it?"

"I has a product of quirk marriage...... My Father.... Paid off my Mother's family for the quirk marriage so that I could surpass All Might" He trailed off.....

"You brought me here to ask me if I too is a product of Quirk Marraiges aren't you?" I asked him in a calm manner catching him off guard

He then slowly nodded......

"To Answer your question........ I don't know..... I heard you talking to Midoriya a while back" I said

"How? I saw nobody when we parted ways" he said looking shocked....

"Well you see...... my senses are rather superhuman.... It isn't a quirk of mine.... But I has born with them..... My sense of Sight, Smell, Hearing, taste and Touch are keen, superhuman I suppose..... so.... I can hear sounds even for a distance....." I told him

"Oh.... So back to my question.... How come that you don't know?" he asked me

"I.... Well it's a long story..... I never met My father..... I can't remember My mother....... I was left with my aunt amd uncle's care...... For All I know.... My parents divorced months before I was born..... My mother Gave me to my guardians when I was a year old so I can't remember how she looks for some reason my Guardians doesn't have atleast a picture of her" I told him

"I.... Im sorry for as—" before letting him finish I cut him off

"It's fine.... Im over the topic actually..... So to my story All I knew My Mother's quirk was also Elements..... Except she couldn't control the the sub. Elements.... Or make weapons from it.... Mime is rather advanced and unique..... For My father..... Well they didn't have any information of his quirk.... So just like you I neglected my quirks.... I only used telekinesis.... It felt lile suicide ya'know? My drawbacks doesn't relate to any of my quirks.... I overused that quirk of mine.... If I over use telekinesis.... I have severe head aches.... That's where I asked a friend of mine if I could copy her Healing quirk..... She let me actually.... As long I don't steal permanently" I said giving off A chuckle.....

"Then.... I realized..... I just used my stealing quirk.... For some reason in Me I could tell my father had something where he can steal quirks since my aunt mentioned that he had multiple quirks.... So I ended up not using the healing quirk I copied....*chuckles* Let's say I ended up having more severe than I should Have.... It got me to the hospital for a month actaully.... Everytime it hurts it felt like I has going to die because of the pain.... So that's where I learnt my lesson" I told him

"And that is?" he asked rather curious....

"Its my quirk...... Not theirs..... my Full Mark quirk rather Showed up late.... I has 8 when I got this.... simce it required aiming and My doctor told me not to use my quirks until I was fully healed I went off to practice on learning weapons.... Going archery competitions.... I only had my fun when I was 8 I stopped training restlessly.... So Todoroki-san..... Your quirk is your own not your fathers..... If you use it.... You wont be him... your you.... So friendly advice...... Use your flames as your own.... Your quirk is yours and yours to control" I told him with a smile.....

I got a hug in response..... It was shocking actually....

"Thanks.... For the time L/n" he said to me

"thank you too.......And please call Me Y/n.... I really don't like using my mother's last name" I told him hugging him back

"Ok... Y/n please call me Shoto" he said as we released from that hug.....

"Ok then.... Shoto-kun" I told him and smiled....

"Anyways... I need to be going the other girls Are waiting for me" I told him

Todoroki's POV

"Sure, thank you for your time" I thanked

"Welcome.... See you around Shoto-kun~" she said waving off....

I watched her retreating figure slowly being swallowed by the shadows.....
What's this feeling?
While I hugged her......
My chest was going crazy......
Whatever you did to me.....
I will make sure
To make you mine..... Y/n.......

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