Chapter 13| Just Shut your Ass

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Short Chapter!

Author's POV

With you suddenly teleporting.... You were infront of Bakugo himself....

"What do you want?!" He asked harshness in his tone

"To congratulate you, what else? Or you'll be like Shinso, asking me if Im here to say mean things about you" you said

"I don't need your words" He said shoving me off to the side as he continued walking

"You do know what happens to your muscles every time you do that, your muscles might get torn up right?" You asked him making him stop his tracks

"What do you care, I don't need your pity" He said looking over his shoulder giving you a glare

"Pity is showing sympathy, care is a sense of concern know the difference" you said coldness over your voice

With that he turned around at you walking towards you grabbing you by your colar raising you up to the ground after all you were light.....

"Are you looking down at me?! You think Im Stupid?! Ofcourse I know the fvcking difference between those two!" he angrily yelled at your face yet you kept a calm demanor....

"Im not asking Bakugo-kun, Im not being sarcastic.... Im stating the facts.... Its clearly obvious that you know the difference between those two... But let me ask you If I was giving you my pity what for? Did you lost? No, you won, The Pros were stupid not noticing Uraraka's trap.... Tell me.... If I were to pity you what for?" You asked him catching him off guard raising you higher by your colar yet you still remained calm...

He was about to speak but you cut him off

"If I were to care about you.... What's the reason? I was worried about your muscles and you.... If your muscles got torn us it will take a long time before healing, Keeping the pain inside, only makes it grow more, meaning the more Pain you keep to yourself the more pain you gather, the more you'll be hurt once you let it out.... The pain's gonna be 5× more painful than the pain you stored in you.... Ya'know" You stated with that you slowly touched his wrist with your right hand.....

And for a second a fast f/c glow flowed his body... And in a instant you were out of grip

"What the fvck did you—" I cut him off by covering his mouth

"Just shut your ass, I healed you, be careful with your muscles will' ya, if you don't Im gonna heal them, then I'll break them myself" You said turning back at him

"and oh by the way...... Congrats on winning.... I'll check on Uraraka...." You said glancibg at him over your shoulder and teleported to the nurse's office

I saw Uraraka lying on the bed with an IV In her arm and Recovery girl was attending to her wounds

"Recovery girl, is she ok?" I asked her speed walking to her bedside

The woman turned to me and nodded "yes... She's fine, but I need more energy for my quirk to work, its not working at its finest now" she said as if disappointed at herself

"Here, I can heal her..." I offered

She looked at me for seconds but she stepped away and said "okay, she's all yours. I'll trust her with your care" she said

I nodded and place my hands to her stomach and arm to her body as my hand glowed to a light shade of f/c and the f/c light flowed around her body. Her wounds healed fairly quick than expected I let my quirk go on for a few for seconds until I decided that she would be fine already...

I took my hands back and looked at her sleeping figure... I'll leave her be... She needs to rest....

I turned to recovery girl who was invading her stash of gummy bears

"I think She'll be ok now, I'll be going now... I'll come back later" I said smiling slightly

"Ok, thanks for your help dearie" she said as she nodded

I gave her a brief nod and walked out of the infirmary.

The second part of the battle's about to begin.... After the Rematch with Kirishima and Tetsutestu......

"Who's going to win?! Eijiro Kirishima?! Or Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu?!"  Yelled Present Mic since the rematch was already starting

With that you were back to your seat watching the two males trying to beat each other by an arm wrestling match

"COME ON!!!" heard Kirishima scream

Kirishima's forehead dotted with sweat, but when he got a stronger grip

Kirishima gathered all his strength and forced his opponent's arm down against the slab of concrete they were wrestling on. The concrete smashed and crumbled while Tetsutetsu's arm cracked against the rock....

Tetsutetsu cried out with surprise as the grip on one another was lost. Kirishima leaned back on his heels while Tetsutetsu sat on the ground clutching his arm. He the growld and slammed his uninjured fist to the ground...

"Dammit! I should've eaten more Iron this morning!" He spatted out

Kirishima took a deep breath and the offered his hand to Tetsutetsu
"Need a hand?" Kirishima asked giving him a toothy smile

Tetsutetsu starred at him before grinning slightly and he took it

"Eijiro Kirishima wins this match!" Midnight announced with her eyes sparkling

Both newly made friends walked off the ring talking about something.
But all of you knew
The second round.... Was about to begin....
After the break........

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