Chapter 2| Rescue Training

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Since it's my official first day at U.A I decided to be early but... It didn't go how I planned with me passing by some shop that sells Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Merchendise....

And here I am now....
30 minutes before school starts... And Im not even anywhere near U.A yet.....

So I went to this alley way for a short cut....
But Instead I saw... A teal haired guy with a hand covering his face....
But somehow.... His hand was extended to the air as if he was holding someone..... I just shrug it off and walked.... He seemed to notice me

"Oh looky here~ a brat from U.A" he said

"Your a villain Am I right?, chill I am going to be late for class If a call the police on you or atleast scream for my life that wpuld be a waste of time so do whatever your doing and pretend I Never existed" I said walking pass him as he pulled me back by my wrist....

"Then Would it be nice if you die" he said....
I deadpanned....

"Your not stabbing me" I said

"pardon?" he asked

"I've been staring at you for 2 minutes waiting for you to atleast stab me at the heart, or atleast my solar plexus, or atleast cut my head, slit my stomach or shoot me.... Griping me on my wrist is nothing if you grip harder you'll manage to break a bone of mine or stop my blood circulation at my wrist and arm making it explode or maybe use your quirk, if you don't want using your quirk on me and you don't have a weapon just name a weapon you like, I'll make one for you, so what do you need? A katana?, Dagger?, a sword?, a bow and arrow?, a machine gun? " I said/asked in the most boring tone I have

With A second I escaped his grip

"I haven't activated any of my quirks to freeze your body so what's with you?" I asked but he only stayed silent

"Nevermind.... If you excuse me I'll be on my way to school, if your gonna ask for my name, name's Y/n, just moved from States" I said and walked away....

What a weird villain....

Time skip~~~~~

Time: 12: 55 pm

You were all waiting at your sits waiting for your next class

"This time All might, myself and the other one will supervise" Mr. Aizawa started talking

'This Time...? So its a special class' Midoriya asked in his mind

"Um, what are we doing exactly?" Sero asked raising his hand

"Now, for today's Basic hero training" Mr. Aizawa paused for a bit

"Preparing you for disaster, relief, from Fire to floods

Its rescue training" He said while showing a card that says 'rescue'

Your classmates started talking about the activity but you just stayed quiet with the others that were not that excited....

"Hey Im not done" Mr. Aizawa said giving them a warning glare which made them stop

"Its up to each of you whether or not you wear your costumes

As some are Ill-suited for this activity

The training site is a bit remote so were going by bus

That's all get ready" Mr. Aizawa said as you all stood up

you took your suit case where your hero costume was in as you went to the girl's changing room....

"Im surprises you already have a costume Y/n" Mina said

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