Chapter 3| Villains

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Your POV

"We meet again Y/n" a raspy voice said... And looky here... It was the guy I met at the alley Way...
I was now being held at the shoulders by this bird brain pushing me down making it hard to move a bit.....

"So you plan to kill me now?" I asked not bothering to look at him just staring at my feet...

"Oh Ofcourse not.... Something better" He said

"Really?" I asked unsurprised

"You know I've been wondering.... Why can't my quirk work on you" he said

"Really? Just to answer you I didn't use any of my quirks" I said looking up staring at him in the eye.... Although his hand mask was covering up his face his hair covering his eyes....

"Quirks?" he repeated

"Yup quirks" I said.... And in just in a second.....

Daggers, spears, kunai(s), shurikens, made out of Fire, water, ice, earth, air was already pointing at him and this bird brain

"Impressive are those your quirks?" he asked looking amused

"Oh not just that" I said flicked my hand... And in a split second..... The bird brain was flying in mid air.....

I motioned my hand to move to the left and so did the Nomu

"Did I mention that I never miss an aim?" I asked

"Very impressive... You suit my plan very well~" he said

"I have no plans joining" I said and all the Daggers, kunai(s), spears, shurikens pointing at this Bird Brain and this hand man all Moved and aimed for Nomu who wasn't able to dodge them....

When all your element-made weapons were all gone you saw Nomu regenerating

'Super regeneration huh?' I thought

"your amazing you know that?" he said

"Ofcourse people say that all the time" I said

"Your really suited for us" he said

"Whatever" I said dodging the Nomu who got gain back its pace who now tried to punch me....

"My air element.... Didn't damage him so I suppose this bird brain have 2 quirks? Shock absorbtion, and Super Regeneration?" I asked

"you have good senses, Your really goo in observing" He said

"Ofcourse, my senses are pretty Keen you see"

"How interesting" he said

I again dodged this Bird brain who keeps on attacking me....

'I have to find it's weak spot or atleast its weakness' I said to myself

"Wait....." I said stoppinh out of my tracks.....

Which was a wrong move....

For a second.... I was sent flying of somewhere.... And I somehow ended up at the mountain (or mountain slide?) zone

I saw Kaminari, Jiro and Momo having a hard time battling with this crappy villain but the other Villains were down cold

"Y/n!" Jiro called my name

"I got blown away somehow by that bird brain so here I am" I said tensing up to a fighting stance

"What's with Kaminari?" I said since Kaminari was being held by the villain I asked

"Are you guys ok?" I asked once again seeing them looking hurt...

"Were fine... That Villain's using of Kaminari's Quirk!" Momo informed me

"Don't worry.... Lightning can't hurt me" I said

With a split second I was already able to pin down the villain with ease..... I pinned him down I looked at Momo

"Hey Uhm... Momo would you mind to make hand cuffs?" I asked

"Ah! Sure!" she said

After she created hand cuffs I already Cuffed this Villain....
We then cuffed all The Villains who was down to the ground....

"You guys ok?" I asked them

"Yeah" Jiro said...

"I'll go get a to check om the others" I said....

"Ok, we'll catch up" Momo said as both of them assisted the dumb version of Kaminari

I teleported my way back to where The bird brain was and their I saw that bird brain sprinting towards Bakugo... And Just before he could get near him I snapped my fingers making the Bird brain stop on his cracks....

"Ignite" I said using one of the quirks I copied from my friends back at America as the Bird brain was covered up in orange yellow flames meaning its temperature is just around 1000°f.....

"Bird Brain, quirk: Super Regeneration and Shock Absorbtion.... Indeed this bird brain got experimented... Such a poor soul" I said

"Young L/n!" All Might said

"I must admit, that punch of yours really flew me over.... I was just busy thinking for your weakness.... Eventually you do have one" I said making everyone look at me in shock

"I cant say It as a weakness though, it's just a down side of your quirks, with My attacks from earlier I noticed something.... They all gave you damages except for my Air element.... Means to say Shock absorbtions needs to have shock waves...... The only element that I used which gave you a huge damage was my flames.... Because even if I used it in making a weapon, it doesn't have shock waves because, flames use heat waves, using All Might-sensei's quirk He needs to punch you continuously enable to defeat you shock absorbtion is different from Nullification, So based in this Info. That I got Flames are good enough" I said

"What do you mean?" All Might asked

"You see my flames change color depending on there temperature so If I swich this flames to color purple" I said as the flames covering this bird brain became Purple

"It's Temperature is around 35 000°f" I said as I flashed a sweet smile

"So I plan to burn this burd brain to ash, he's completely frozen due to my telekinesis quirk, I manage to ignite him without touching him due to my friend's handy dandy word quirk, I'll give credits to him for allowing me to copy it if this flames changes color to f/c the temperature will be about..... 3 times hotter as the sun's surface temperature! I dont intend to use that here so I'll just be going with purple" I said making my flames bigger....

"Ichi (1), Ni (2) , san (3), Shi (4)..... Go (5)" I counted as I turned off my quirks as they only saw ashes at the position where the Nomu was.....

There mouths were hanged open.....

"Who ever that man was I hope he'll get reborn to have a peaceful life" I said

Midoriya's POV

She...... She.... Defeated..... A creature.... That was.... Made to kill..... All.... Might....
All might....
The number one hero
The symbol of peace
If she managed to kill that Nomu with Ease
Which means that she's stronger than All Might?!


"There's no use crying over spilled Milk" a certain voice from the screen stated as Tomura and Kurugiri returned wounded back at their base.....

"Master..... This girl who defeated the Nomu...... Almost Looks like you" Kurugiri stated... 

"What's her Name?" All for One asked rather curious about the given information.....

"Y/n....." Tomura stated

"And as of All Might called her 'Young L/n' I suppose her Name is.... Y/n L/n" Kurugiri said finding out your name......
"Bring her........ To me" All For one Stated sounding serious.....

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