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The wind whistled in the spring night, causing trees to sway and bushes to rustle. Lex placed her foot on the stump of a thick tree and climbed her way up with ease. She settled herself on a large branch and wiped her hands on her pants to get rid of the dirt and bark that clung to her skin. The tree was one of many in a park across the street of the neighbourhood she'd scoped out over the last couple of days. The house she was currently spying on was residing on the corner of the street, which was closest to the park.

The residents were still in the house, she could tell from the lights still being on in multiple rooms. But she knew they were leaving soon, to go to some new restaurant that was an hour away. She glanced down at her watch, it read a quarter to seven. A gust of wind blew at her face which sent stray strands of hair flying madly. The rest of her hair was tucked neatly into a braid that wrapped around her head.

The sound of laughter caught her attention to the front door of the house. The sound was almost lost in the noisy wind of the night. She spotted the family making their way out of the house one by one. Her predictions were confirmed by their fancy dress wear. The last person out of the house was the mother, who locked the door before joining the rest in the car. After another minute or two, the car was backing out of the driveway and zooming up the street. Now was her time but she decided to wait two extra minutes before searching the house. There was always the possibility that the family forgot something and had to come back to retrieve it.

Lex found that she couldn't hold down a job, and it wasn't easy getting one to start with. There wasn't much she had to offer on a resume, and lying could only go so far. She made money by stealing valuable items for others and selling them on the black market. The price she sold it for was marked down heavily to appeal to buyers, and since it didn't cost her anything. The places she robbed were far from where she lived, and she got them off her hands as soon as possible to clear her tracks. So far there were no consequences for what she did, and she would continue with it until she did.

Two minutes passed and no sign of the car returning home. Lex lowered herself out of the tree by hanging on the tree branch she was in before dropping to her feet. As soon as her feet landed on the ground, she jogged over to the targeted house. She grabbed onto her hood that threatened to fly back with the wind.

Taking a glance around the neighbourhood, it seemed safe enough. Lex slipped into their backyard by hoisting herself over the metal gate that blocked it off. She pulled out the two pins in her pants pocket and began to work on the lock of their back door, hair whipping at her face. One pin was positioned at the bottom of the lock, and the other was used to prod at the top. The door clicked after less than a minute and she slid inside.

The warmth of being inside the house had her sighing. Closing the door behind her, she tugged the flashlight out of her jacket pocket and flicked it on. She avoided using the room lights as the family was supposed to be out and the lights being on would be considered suspicious activity. Keeping her tracks clean would require thinking ahead and logic.

Lex fumbled around with the items in the living room and found many mainstream video games that were still in high value. She also found a few small console devices on the entertainment stand that she stuffed into her bag. A search through all the rooms upstairs landed her with pieces of jewellery, Bluetooth speakers, phone chargers, and hairstyling applications.

The final room she searched was the one that helped her get the information she needed. She had to kick through pieces of clothing to get the desk, where a laptop sat on top. Tapping on the camera of the laptop, she smirked at the little contraption that made her plan work. By hacking the laptop camera and audio, she overheard the exact day and time that the family would be out. Slamming the laptop shut, then stuffed it into her bag and left the room. With limited vision, an abrupt turn had her knocking a porcelain figure off a tabletop. She instinctively caught it before it hit the ground and set it back on the table.

Lex shuffled down the stairs and exited through the back door. She was met with the loud wind again and had to hold the door to prevent it from shutting with a bang. Once she closed the door, she exited by climbing over their fence after peeking over it for clearance. She jogged back into the forest to where she knew she hid her motorbike. Thrashing and kicking away the bush and leaves, she pulled out her bike and started it up. She didn't turn on the lights as she hopped on and drove off across the park. The dim street lights were enough for her to cross the park. She turned on the bike lights when she rode onto the main road and merged herself into traffic.

Lex pulled the strings of her jacket tight to keep the hood in place. She couldn't help but chuckle as she rode back to her hideout, her bag tucked safely close to her.


Published: 19th July 2020

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