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𝕒𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕡𝕠𝕧

I'd made my decision, I couldn't be with Riley any longer. I was gonna let her down easy. I was very nervous, I couldn't sleep that night. Partly cuz she was lying next to me. I had rehearsed my speech like a thousand times. I still didn't know if I should say that. I kept telling myself that I should do what I wanna do. And right now, that was dumping Riley, no matter what I say.

The whole day, she kept trying to take us shopping or do something together. I couldn't go with her, even though she wasn't the world's best gf, I shouldn't lie to her, lead her on like that. At least not fake that everything is ok. I waited till evening.

"Hi, uh Riley" I said to her.

"What's up with you? You didn't wanna go any of our favorite places" she was annoyed.

"Your favorite places"

"How does that matter?"

"Exactly" she was confused. I had to get done with it in one go. I took a deep breath and continued - "See, Riley. It's not like I don't like you, but...we just don't work"

"We worked just fine for 8 months"

"But we aren't anymore"

"Cuz of that Katie-bitch right😤"

"Not cuz of and I, didn't ever work out that well"

"Then why did we date for 8 months"

"I thought it would get better, over time"

"What do you mean better?"

"This whole relation, us, everything, has been about you. What you wanted, what you like. Never about me or my feelings" she looked...disappointed and confused.

"And it's not your fault or anything but this, us, we don't work and I need to break the toxic cycle of  making excuses every time something comes up" I continued.

"But you can't be serious?!" she wasn't gonna give up.

"But I am, and I don't mean to hurt you but I finally realised what I want...what I need"

"No!" uh what?🤨

"I'm not giving you up" she added.

"You're not, I am" she was really getting in my nerves...I told myself to control my anger, after all, I'm the one dumping her. As soon as I snapped outta my thoughts, I realised that she'd started crying.

"Oh Riy, I didn't mean to make you cry"

"But you did"

"I'm sorry, but-" she interrupted me.

"Then don't end this" she really had the guts to say that.

"But Riley-" again.

"We work and you're doing this for no reason, you're being a dick. And if you're sorry, don't be. Just fucking don't end this" I couldn't stop myself.

"Riley this sucks and I don't wanna date you, not cuz we don't work or shit, so get that straight" my anger took over. Uh oh.

"Ugh fine, I'll call Mike"

"So you've been cheating on me this whole time! I thought you were loyal"

"Don't flatter yourself"

*next day*

I wasn't exactly on my best mood last night, I decided to sleep in. I woke up to the sound of objects clattering. I got up and looked out the CCTV. It was Riley's junk-ass friends. Ugh.

They were throwing rocks over the gate. I ran downstairs. Luckily, no windows were broken and no one was hurt, they wouldn't stop till I came there.

"Ohhh look it's the selfish dick himself" one of them said.

"Had the guts to dump our friend" another said.

"And he's such a mess without her, he came down in his pj's." ugh I wanted them to stop.

"C'mon boy, you need her. But she's never gonna be yours you asshat" ok I couldn't take it anymore.

"Get the fuck off my driveway you bitches"

"Ohhh ass' got some attitude"

"Just fucking get outta here." they still didn't leave, so security had to throw them off. Ugh. Today was the worst day ever, I mean besides the fact that I'd just dumped my toxic gf and I was free, this was still super annoying . How clingy she was and how much she complicated this. Oof.

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