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𝕒𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕡𝕠𝕧

I woke up, with her in my arms. I can't describe the feeling. I felt so...full of life. Like everything had worked out. But she was still with Ryan. I hoped that she wasn't, but somethings just aren't meant to be. I lay by her side, just looking at her. The light reflecting off her blonde curls, her gleaming skin. God she was beautiful. She woke up a couple minutes later. She didn't say anything, she just looked. In that moment I couldn't stop myself. I inched closer towards her, just one thing on my mind.

I kissed her. And I could tell, that she didn't wanna stop it. But she did. She pulled away and looked at me, shocked. I couldn't tell what she was thinking, but it definitely wasn't that she wanted to kiss me again. Her eyes widened and she got up and rushed back. "Katie...wait" I said to her. She just nodded, expressing her disapproval. As if she couldn't believe what just happened, happened. She rushed out of the room, I didn't follow her. I knew the risk, of taking that chance. Like I did last time. Only this time, she didn't want it. I'd fucked up everything. Exactly what I was afraid of, happened.

𝕜𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕖 𝕡𝕠𝕧

Last night, Ryan asked me to marry him. I froze in shock, cuz I didn't wanna break his heart. Deep down, I knew he wasn't the one for me, and I couldn't just say yes to him, to keep him happy. I started panicking. I ran outside the room, and ended up in Aiden's room. He took me in, calmed me down, and helped me sleep. I woke up, in his arms, with him gazing at me. Before I could take in what was happening, he kissed me. I'm not gonna lie, I liked it. But I couldn't just kiss him right after I'd run away from my boyfriend who wanted to marry me. I stood up and just rushed outta there. Like I did the other night.

I don't know why, but I was afraid. Afraid to commit, cuz I wasn't sure of my choices. But I wasn't the only one, facing a dilemma of choices. Turns out, Lex and Spencer had a conversation about rethinking getting married.

𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕩𝕒 𝕡𝕠𝕧

"The other night, I didn't run away, cuz I was having cold feet. I ran away, cuz this wasn't the way I wanted to start out our lives together" I said, lost in thought. "I do wanna get married to Spencer, cuz I love him, cuz I do wanna spend  the rest of my life, with him. But I don't want a perfect life, a perfect wedding or any of that bullshit people tell you so that you spend so much money on it. To be perfectly honest, I don't even give a shit about the money or where we get married." I continued. Mom's face, looking horrified.

"I wanna get married to him, the second I feel like. Not plan it out.  And this is probably the stupidest thing you've ever heard. But I don't feel like getting married right now. It doesn't mean that I never wanna get married, or that I don't wanna spend my life with him. But all I'm saying is that maybe, somewhere down the line, when I feel ready. I'll marry him, impromptu. He doesn't see it coming. Nor do I." I finally finished.

"Oh darling" Mom said, embracing me. "It's ok if you feel like you want your life to go a different way" Mom added. "But just a piece of advice, talk through it with Spencer. Cuz more likely than not, he may want different things."

"Thanks mom, I will"

I nervously walked down to Spencer's room. "Hey uh Spence" I whispered, sitting down on the bed, next to him.

"Yea?" he asked."

"We need to talk" his expression suddenly changed. "About our future, what's gonna happen of this wedding" I explained.

"Yea we do"

"I know it was impulsive of me, to leave, just like that. It's not cuz I don't wanna get married to you" I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. "I love you, and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I just never planned getting married at 23"

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