1. Promise

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It just been over a year since the apocalypse started. I haven't seen another human for 3 months now. The last group I found wasn't a good one. They promised to help me find my friends and all they did was bring pain.

I rub my sleeves as to try and take some of the beaming heat away from me. It dosent work. I haven't stopped walking in 4 days and the only sleep I got was when I felt secure in a tree.

Grabbing my knife I cut the sleeves of my long sleeved top and left them on the floor before readjusting my heavy backpack for a little more comfort.

I continue travelling when a small scream erupts though the woods. Not thinking twice I charge towards the sound to see a little boy standing infront a walker.
He's unarmed I mentally note as I sling my bow off my back and shoot the walker making the boy jump.

I quietly walk over to the walker to pull my arrow out of the dead as the boy falls trying to shuffle back from me.

"I'm not gonna hurt you" I state giving him a hand.
"You should get back to your group" I mumble as I click my arrow back into the quiver on my hip.
"Thank you" the boy whispers.
"CARL!" The sound of a man shouting breaks the silence again. I continue to walk off as a man jumps into the small opening followed by a man with a crossbow.
"Are you okay?" The first man panics as he checks 'Carl' for bites.
"I'm fine dad. She saved me" he says pointing at me. Instantly the men look at me and fear grows inside me.

Quickly I turn and sprint in the opposite direction of the men. I don't trust humans, not after the last group.
"Wait!" I hear the man call as I continue to duck and dodge branches. Seconds later I feel a heavy weight tackling me to the floor.
I bring my arms up to punch the man just before he pins them above my head.

"He said wait" the man speaks in a southern accent. Panicking I struggle against him.
"What makes you think I would listen to you" I snap back as I open my eyes. I'm met with bright blue eyes.
He snorts at me and I notice how he sitting on me. His legs press down my hips and my arms are being pressed into the mud behind me.
I shift my hips in an awkward attempt to escape.

"Can you let go now!" I say a second of trying to escape.
"Not till rick gets her'" he says making me panic a bit more.
"He ain't gonna hurt you" he says knowleding my actions.
"You ain't the first to say that" I mumble as I admit defeat in my head.

"Daryl!" I hear the other man shout.
"Over here!" Daryl shouts back. In seconds the other man in the a blue shirt steps into sight.
"You saved my son" he states crouching next to me.
"My names rick, I want to thank you and offer you a place in our group" he says as Daryl starts to protest.
"Daryl! She saved my son. It's the least I can offer" rick explains as daryl climbs off me in a huff.
"I can't I'm looking for some people I know" I says cutting into their argument.
"Well then maybe we can help?" Ricks says standing up and offering me a hand. I decline it and stand up to rub the dirty off my pants before turning to them.

"Yeah do you know where we are? I got lost a few miles back"I ask
"Your in redwood forest. Theirs a lake a mile in that direction" Rick says pointing.
"Wait redwood- oh my god I'm so close" I say excitedly as I turn to the lake and work out my position.
"It should be that way" I say pointing past the men.

"That's where our camp is... the place your going to is called greene farm is it?" He questions as I stare at him.
"It is, you guys live nearby?" I ask stepping back.
"That's our camp" the boy says stepping in. And making me jump slightly.

"Is hershel Alive? And the girls?" I ask looking down.
"Yeah, there alive" Daryl says. I feel a smile paint across my face.
"Come on then" I say sprinting towards the farm with my new found energy.

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