1. Daily Life of the Future

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Ever since that call, Hajime Hinata has been unfairly annoyed. He knew as much, but even hearing that name brought a chill down his spine. It reminded him of times he didn't want to remember. He recalled that voice.

"Aw- don't worry about it! Once I've filled this world with despair life is gonna be so much more interesting! Trust me Kamakura, you are never gonna be bored again!"

That's not me.

That's not me.

Currently he was supposed to be having a fun time with his friends from class 77, but he knew he was ruining it. He allowed himself to feel ashamed. He shouldn't hurt his friends feeling just because somebody brought up the past.

"Sorry, Fuyuhiko." Hajime apologized, "just not feeling too good at the moment. I'll try to be more positive."

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu nodded at Hajime from his seat on the couch, "Eh, it's fine. We don't have to worry about shit like that anyways."

Hajime turned the TV back on, pretending to be interested. At least when they did this he could zone out and think about things.

But eventually he ran out of things to think about but at least then he had something to occupy himself with.

He kept telling himself to forget about the stupid phone call, and just be happy like everyone else. But he couldn't shake it from his mind.

I will ensure you are never bored again, Izuru Kamukura

"Yo Hajime, you alright dude?" Kazuichi Soda looked at Hajime with a concerned expression, "you seem tense."

Hajime closed his eyes for a moment, "It's nothing, just ignore me."

He made sure not to let anyone be worried of him. He sighed in relief when they all finally went home to their cottages. Now he could be at peace.

"Hajime... you alright? Your emotional status suggests you're relieved of something."

Or... almost at peace. But Hajime wasn't annoyed at this person for making a comment on his health. He was actually a bit happier now.

"You certainly took a while to appear." Hajime commented.

Chiaki Nanami stared at Hajime blankly for a moment, then spoke again, "I don't like crowds..."

"Their our classmates."

"Yeah I know but..."

"You don't have to be afraid of them."

"Sorry... I've just gotta get...used to being around...them...again..." Chiaki's eyelids closed slowly and she fell asleep standing upright.

Hajime walked over to Chiaki and shook her a little bit, "Don't fall asleep on me now."


"Were you up all night playing video games like I advised against?" Hajime crossed his arms and stared at her accusingly, but playful at the same time.

"I can't help it... it's my talent..." Chaki yawned slightly.

"You have to stop once in a while though. Sleep is important."

"Yeah I know..."

"Get some sleep." Hajime let his voice be concerned.

"I just tried to!...you woke me up..." Chiaki argued.

"Well at least lie on the couch or something. Standing up sleeping probably isn't the best for you either."

"Fine... stop pestering me..."

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