7. A Twisting Reality

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Chiaki was struggling. She had somehow been restrained to the wall, even though she didn't physically exist. Her programming block had prevented her from fighting against Junko as she clamped her arms, legs and neck to the wall with metal. 

"Now, now, don't struggle too much yet," Junko advised, "I still have some set up to do... But I can't watch over you right now. My assistant will have to keep an eye on you... or rather... make sure you don't get to comfortable... we can't have that now can we?" 

Chiaki was trying to move with all her might. Her programming betrayed her. Eventually she had to stop before she overloaded and crashed. Junko called for someone as Chiaki cooled down a bit. 

Eventually she saw Mikan enter the room.

Chiaki's eyes went wide for a moment.

Mikan giggled softly at seeing her old friend at her mercy like this. 

"Do whatever you want with her but remember the plan, okay?" Junko asked.

Mikan nodded excitedly. Junko kicked her in the stomach and she fell to the floor.

"Good girl. Now, I'll be back soon..."

Junko left the room. After a moment, Mikan was on her feet. She examined Chiaki's body closely. She giggled again. 

"Eheheh... It's great to be back with my beloved again... Don't you agree?"

Chiaki shook her head as much as she could with the metal blocking her. Her programs were flying through her mind so fast she wasn't running as smoothly as before. 

Mikan just smiled at Chiaki before somehow twisting Chiaki's arm hard the wrong way. 

ARM SYSTEM ERROR; non fuctional/?/YES/

preparing reaction systematic...

Chiaki let out a small gasp as if in pain, even though truly she- it could not feel pain. 

Mikan giggled again, "My beloved is great... you just don't see that," Mikan's smile faltered and a look of dead cold dread filled her expression, "You sorry soul... Clearly you have not felt love... my beloved is going to change that you know... and I'm going to help her..."

Mikan's smile returned, "You wont be an empty husk anymore... Won't that be great? You're so lucky..."

Hajime hit the ground at incredible speed. He heard a Crack as he slammed into the ground. Pain covered his body. He clenched his teeth and sat up slowly. He seemed to have broken his arm. He allowed Izuru to examine it, and after proving that he would not be able to support his weight on it, he brought himself to his feet with his other arm. 

You should have known something like this was coming.

Izuru whispered in his head.

I could have prevented you from falling.

Hajime ignored Izuru's advice. He looked around him. Another dark hallway stretched before him. He started walking a little lopsidedly. He needed to find out where he was as quickly as possible.

He walked on and on. The hallway felt endless. He started running so he could find an exit quickly.

He kept running and running until finally he spotted him.

Makoto Naegi was standing in front of the exit door. He smiled at Hajime.

Hajime just stared. How had he gotten down here so quickly? Or had Hajime been in here longer than he remembered?

That wasn't important right now.

"What are you doing?" Hajime called out to Makoto, he took a step forward, "Why have you come down here?"

Makoto simply smiled, "Aw come on! Don't be like that Hajime! This is all going to be for the better!"

Hajime couldn't see how any of this was good, "What do you mean? What are you planning?" Hajime took another step forward.

"Well, I can't tell you that. But what I can say, is that your friends are going to be delighted!" Makoto raised his arms out slightly. His eyes looked odd and twisted. It didn't help that his scars were clearer than ever. 

"What do you mean?" Hajime demanded, "If my friends knew about this they would-"

"Oh but Hajime, they do know!" Makoto stared at him happily, "They all agreed to this!"

What... they know? They know what he's planning?

"What...? They know what your up to?" Hajime's voice filled with something like anger.

"They've always known. They just kept you in the dark."

"But... but why?" Hajime asked desperately, "Why would they do that?"

Makoto smiled and laughed a little.

"Their afraid of you, Kamakura."

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