3. Facing Despair Syndrome

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Junko smiled devilishly at Hajime. 

"Hey what's with the face? It's soooo not cool!"

Hajime glared at Junko as she walked closer.

"Now I assume you heard everything, yes~?" Junko's voice was bright and cheery, however her eyes were cold and icy, "I need you to promise me something..."

Hajime glared as she came right up to him. He felt her rapid breathing on his face. 

"Don't. Tell. Anybody." She whispered. Her personality changed entirely. She was dead serious. Her smile disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Why shouldn't I?," Hajime growled, "You've done horrible things. And now your planning something else. With my friends no less."

Junko's eyes flared, "Because if you don't, I will make sure you feel despair so deep, you'll want to never feel hope again. "

She turned on her heel and began walking out, her personality becoming cheery at once, "see you later, Kamukura!"

Rage surged through him again. 

"That isn't me!" He shouted at her, "Not anymore!"

But junko wasn't there anymore. She was already gone. 

Hajime was having another bad day. Seeing Junko again in the flesh. Hearing her voice. A past he never wanted to remember again. But nobody seemed to let him forget. 

He slammed the door to his cottage without realizing he'd been walking back. Chiaki jumped in alarm.

"Hinata! ...Are you okay? ...What's wrong? ...What happened?" She stood up and walked over to him, setting her console down. 

Hajime just glared at the floor in frustration.


"She's back... again..." Hajime's voice shook.

"Who's back?"

"Junko. Junko Enoshima."

Chiaki eyes widened.

"What...? Really..?"

Hajime nodded regretfully.

Chiaki pulled her hood over her head anxiously.

"This isn't good..." Chiaki shuddered.

"I know that, Chiaki."

Hajime closed his eyes, trying to breath.

"...What was she doing?"

Hajime hesitated, "She was programming something into the Neo World Program's Computer... she was with two people..."

"Two people? ...Who?"

"They left before I could see..."

"...what was she programming on the computer...?"

"I don't know..." Hajime walked to his bed and sat down.

Chiaki stayed still for a moment, thinking.

"I think I'm gonna rest for a while." Hajime noted, his voice was slowly returning to a stale monotone.

"Okay...," Chiaki said, almost thoughtfully, "You go ahead. I'll be here if you need anything."

Hajime laid himself on the bed and closed his eyes.

The Neo World Program Computer's new programming was almost ready to be implemented and downloaded. 

Junko Enoshima's smiled in delight, "Only a few more minutes and it's all set! My plan went perfectly!- wait- my plans always go perfectly... maybe I should have a plan that didn't work once in a while... oh the despair... heheheh..."

Just then, Junko received a message.

From; 341471

Hinata told somebody about you still being alive. You have any orders?

Junko laughed "Haha~ I knew he wouldn't be able to contain his emotions...why else would I have followed him inside?...hmm...feelings... wonder where he got them... Eh- don't care- anyways~"

Junko responded to the email and sent it. 

"Hehehehee~" Junko was very happy with the days work, "HehehehehHahahhaahahahah.."

She turned to the stuffed bear in a chair across from her. It was black and white, with a singular red eye. 

"This is going to be soooo fun..."

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