5. Program Faulty

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Makoto walked into The Neo World Program Building.

Perhaps they're hiding in here...

Ever since Hajime had told him that Junko Enoshima was back, He had been searching all over for the people hiding on the island.

For all he knew, Enoshima would be with them. If that were the case, then she would hide somewhere only she knew about, or was smart enough to know about. 

But before he continued his search, he turned on the Neo World Program Computer.

He checked all scans of the code, but strangely, nothing seemed off about it.

That's a good sign...

He turned off the computer and searched the room.

Even after three hours he found nothing. Not a single clue.

He walked out of the building and realized. There was only one place. It fit so well. He didn't know why it had taken him this long to figure it out. He turned and sprinted away from the building.

He was finally going to find Junko Enoshima.

"Hinata, are you sure you're okay..? ...This is the fifth time this week you've slept in... I think..."

Chiaki was once again, worrying over Hajime's health.

"I...I'm fine...really"

Hajime was not fine. He kept having nightmares about past talks with Junko Enoshima. Talks he wanted to forget. He just wanted to have good times with his friends, forget about the pain and suffering.

Being Hajime was so damn hard.

He was getting sick of it. But without Hajime he was... Nothing. Nothing but an empty shell. A horrible person. Helping evil people like Junko, just so he could have fun once in a while.

Chiaki was not having any of it. 

"You're staying home with me for today, Hinata"

"Chiaki I can't, my friends-"

"No excuses, Hinata. we need to fix your issues. I was created to help everyone."

"Care about yourself before you care about me." Hajime argued.

"I can't do that, it's not in my programming. I need to help you, Hinata-"

"Stop it. You don't have to help me. Stop being so persistent all of a sudden... its... not like you."

Chiaki stared at him for a moment. She sighed. 

"Leaving wasn't like you either, Hinata"

Hajime paused on his way to the door. Chiaki had never said anything like this before.

"What are you talking about?" He asked. He stared at the door handle.

"You don't remember?"

Hajime was confused, "I...Don't think so?"

He heard Chiaki sigh again.

"...You left the real Chiaki Nanami back at school... before you accepted the Kamukura project... You didn't realize what would happen... She didn't know what had happened to you... until she was dying... You had become someone else entirely... You had become Izuru Kamukura."

Hajime glared at the door, trying not to be angry. It was the truth. But Hajime hated the truth. He had let Chiaki down. The one person who didn't see him as some lowly fan boy, but a friend.

"Why did you say that? Why are you telling me this?"

"...My programming suggests that... this is what the real Chiaki Nanami would have said... minus the Third Person perspective."

Hajime felt shame, then guilt, then anger.

"Why can't everyone just leave the past behind them? Why do they have to keep bringing it up over and over?" Hajime didn't realize he was yelling. Chiaki hesitated.

"...I do not know the answer to that. It is not in my program-"

Chiaki stopped talking abruptly. Hajime turned around to see what had happened.

Chiaki had disappeared.

"Chiaki? Where did you go?" Hajime called out to the air. He suddenly regretted asking.

Its better she's not here right now... You would have just gotten angrier...

Hajime couldn't deny that he really didn't care too much about it now. He exited his cottage before making his way to the dining hall for breakfast.

After a not so pleasant breakfast, Hajime left and did not return to his cottage. He wanted to be alone. He took his usual route along the beach but instead of going into the Neo World Program Building, he just sat outside of it. 

He lied down on the ground and looked up at the black and red sky. He quickly sat back up again.

Red and black. 

He didn't look up again, instead he stared at the ground.

Makoto kept running as quickly as he could. There was no doubt in his mind

This is it, I'm finally meeting Junko Enoshima. I'm going to end this.

He smiled determinedly and kept running. He was almost there.

Hajime noticed the footprints going off to the opposite side of the usual path back home. This was odd. Only he knew about this place. But maybe Makoto went that way? Hajime stood up, glad for a distraction. He followed the footprints to see that they led off further into the beach than anyone else he knew had. 

He picked up the pace as he followed the footprints.

His talents kicked in, and in no time he had caught up to Makoto. 

Makoto was suprised and stopped running. Hajime stopped to turn back to him.

"What the- Where did you come from?" Makoto asked Hajime.

"The same place as you."

"Why did you follow me here?"

"You wouldn't be going here if there wasn't something important about. You're heading to Monokuma Rock." Hajime was letting a little bit of Izuru's thought process enter his mind.

"Oh well, heh," Makoto looked around nervously, "I guess I should have expected you to figure it out..."

Makoto dropped his head, "But I'm not going there to do any trouble..."

"Is it not about Junko Enoshima?"

"N-No! It's nothing like that!" Makoto protested, "It isn't!"

Hajime glared at him, "Don't lie, I can see right through it."

"Oh... Okay then, "Makoto sighed in defeat, "... Yes its about Junko Enoshima... Everything seems to be these days."

"Then let me come with. I can help." Hajime was quick to offer.

"No, I couldn't let you run into trouble like that!" Makoto stared at hajime, his scars sharpened again against his face.

"No it's fine. I can defend myself."

Makoto hesitated, Then nodded, "Alright then... Just don't say I didn't warn you..."

They continued running off to Monokuma Rock.

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