12. A Returning Future

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Chiaki opened her eyes again after a while had passed. It felt surreal. How was she alive? She technically was still just a program right? Yet now she could do so much more than she'd been able to do before.

However, it seemed these things came at a cost. She had to get used to eating and drinking again, because before she didn't need to.

It had only been a week since arriving back on the surface. Izuru had helped her out for a while, until mysteriously vanishing. Mikan had also gone missing.

She didn't have much time to think about those things however, as her friends were thrilled at the idea of being able to actually hang out with a living, breathing Chiaki again. They did have to catch her up on a few things from a big blank space in her memory.

She could recall being in the maze room fairly well, but after that everything was black until she found that she was in a very dark room, with Junko's face smiling down at her creepily.

Her classmates were very happy to help her out and they tended to enjoy her company. It was as if the despair had never happened. Chiaki didn't mind though, any distraction from that reality was good.

Izuru still hadn't turned up. He had disappeared three days ago. Vanished like he had never been there.

Her classmates had been slightly relieved at this. Whenever he was around they would all be very tense and anxious. Well, all except Nagito...

"He is this world's hope! He has all of the talents in the world! A nobody like me doesn't deserve to be in such a presence!" Nagito was crying as he bowed to Izuru. Izuru only stared at him blankly. "Such hope! Let me know how I can be a stepping stone! I will assist you in any way I can! It is a worthy sacra-"


Nagito had flown across the room as Izuru had grabbed and thrown him. Izuru wiped his hand off his jeans as if not wanting Nagito's filth.

This did not help the class warm up to him. They only became more anxious.

After that Nagito restrained himself from talking about him. The next day Izuru was gone.

Chiaki wished he had stayed. It was lonely inside her cottage sometimes and she enjoyed the company.

After the fourth day of Izuru's absence, Chiaki went to the dining hall where her classmates were waiting. She sat down in her usual spot next to Nagito. She was one of the only people- no, she was the only person who really didn't mind him.

Nagito had just tripped the table leg. This was not good as half of the flood slid onto the floor when the table had been suspended. Teruteru cursed in anger.

"Haha.. who would have thought... just my luck... I'll clean it up. You ultimates don't have to..." Nagito considered it before beginning to clean up. He paused for a moment, "Huh..?"

"What is it?" Mahiro questioned Nagito

"Have the forces of evil finally been awoken? Does the might of my Four Dark Devas of Destruction bring forth a mighty weapon?" Gundam yelled out, His hamsters flowing on his scarf.

"No, it's not that.." Nagito said, "I just found Hajime is all."

"What?!" Ibuki yelled

Chiaki checked underneath the table as her classmates cried out in confusion. Sure enough, Hajime was laying underneath the table. But he wasn't moving. He might have been unconscious, or he might be... no that's not right. He seemed to be breathing.

Chiaki quickly bent down and dragged him out. Only now did she notice the stench of blood. His left lower arm had been cut clean from his elbow. The severed appendage was nowhere in sight.

Chiaki shouted over her classmates urgently, "Guys quick, we have to get him to the hospital! His arm has been cut off!"

"WHAAT??!" Soda yelled in terror.

Peko came over swiftly to help Chiaki move him. Soon they were making their way down to the hospital.

Maki Harukawa waited impatiently for Kyoko to report back to her. An entire week had passed and there was still no new information. She knew she could trust the detective, but she still didn't like being left in the dark.

"Still no messages back, huh?" A voice called faintly from behind her.

Maki turned to see Kaede Akumatsu standing behind her.

Maki sighed and looked away, "No. But I hope she will reply soon. She's not one to keep information from us for this long."

Kaede thought for a moment, "Do remember that it is Makoto Naegi we're talking about... She does have history with him, you know..."

Maki was not one to consider other people's emotions well. She was an assassin, after all.

"I suppose that's true... However, it's been a week. Isn't that long enough?" She asked of Kaede.

Kaede hesitated, "I'm not sure... but maybe Makoto is being difficult. Our procedure isn't foolproof. Besides, Makoto seems very resistant."

"That's rather depressing, coming from you. Aren't you supposed to be the cheerful one?"

"Yeah well... my faith in humanity has gotten rather slim since the Tragedy. But, I suppose you're right... I'll try to cheer up a little more." Kaede turned away from Maki to leave, Before she could open the door Maki spoke up.

"Can you send Keebo up?"

Kaede turned and smiled, "Sure can do." 

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