8. Lucky Little Guy

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Nagito Komeada knew something was off. He hadn't seen the lights go off in Hajime's cottage. When he called for Chiaki, she didn't appear. Perhaps it was just his bad luck again? 

But Nagito couldn't keep the feeling off of him. If one of the world's Hope went missing, it would be a big problem. So when Nagito found Hajime's cottage empty, he couldn't help but begin looking for him. He hoped his luck would help him find the answer. 

Nagito decided to take a walk on the beach to see if he could find any clues to Hajime's whereabouts. He walked for a while but found nothing. As he went to turn around and look elsewhere he noticed two sets of footprints starting to get washed up by the waves.

"Well aren't I lucky..." He murmured to himself and he began following the trail. When he found the end of the trail he looked around. He was standing right next to Monokuma rock.

"Huh... wonder where they could have gone..."

Nagito looked around the rock. Not seeing any entrance he turned to look behind him. He tripped over a rock and fell into the hidden entrance.

"Oh... my luck seems to have done it again..."

He walked inside, only to find an elevator awaiting him. He noticed a switch hidden in the far back of the room. He flipped in curiously and the lift began to descend.

"I guess now I'll just have to wait..."

Makoto Naegi was pinned to the floor. Hajime held him in place. He glared down at Makoto's smiling face. Hajime suddenly noticed the spirals in his eyes, and questioned why he hadn't seen it before.

So obvious... if only you had let me help. I can assist you and your boring life. You mean nothing...

Hajime shut Izuru out as much as possible, but his anger was making it hard to control.


"No, that's wrong... You are Izuru Kamakura. You have been ever since the operation..."

Hajime punched Makoto in the face, "SHUT UP. YOU KNOW NOTHING."

Makoto only grinned as blood dropped down his face. "Your anger says otherwise..."

Hajime punched him again and again and again and-

"Hey, hey, hey! Why wasn't I invited to the party huh? You just got a beat down on Makoto! Not many people can say they've done that~ good job!"

Junko applauded and raised a thumbs up to Hajime.

Hajime stopped and slowly looked up at Junko. He suddenly felt self conscious about the blood on his fists. He stood up. Makoto just lied there bleeding.

"Say~ How about I reward you for such a good job yeah~? You must have really felt the despair, huh?" Junko smiled that wide smile of hers, "I got you a little somethin~ Eheheh~"

Hajime glared at her, "I don't want anything from you! You're insane! I've had enough of you!"

Junko only laughed at his comment.

"Don't underestimate me... you're going to want what I have..."

Hajime didn't think he could ever want anything Junko gave him. He glared as he saw movement from behind her.

Makoto began laughing maniacally. Junko smirked.

Hajime's face turned to one of surprise, horror, and confusion as Mikan entered the room.

Dragging Chiaki's struggling body behind her.

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