15. The Start of Something Terrible

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Keebo was up early the next morning to work on the projects. He turned on the power source and explained to them via a speaker that he was going to help each of them out of the glass box. The reactions that followed were rather different from each of them.

Asahina had been excited, she was jumping up and down at a chance to be active and outside again.

Toko was staring lovingly at Byakuya.

Byakuya started by looking relieved, but at the sight of Toko, he suddenly became anxious and annoyed.

Komaru was nervous but she seemed excited for the most part.

Mitarai just kept staring at the floor.

Keebo waited for Kyoko to arrive. She entered the room a little while after Keebo had flipped the switch.

"I have informed them of what our plans are for today." Keebo announced, "They should be ready, they have been active for forty five minuites already."

Kyoko simply nodded. Keebo turned to Asahina and slowly opened the front of her box. She smiled at them and tried to walk up to them. It was a little weird given the fact that some of her balance had been shifted due to the metal that had been installed into her arm.

Her clothes were the same ones she had worn all those months ago. Her left arm was covered in metal and she tried not to move it too much. The left side of her face had small purple veins running through it.

"Hey Kyoko! Glad to see you again!" This time Asahina did manage to hug Kyoko. It was very odd. Humans were normally warm and comforting, but Asahina was cold yet friendly at the same time.

"Hello Hina. Sorry about yesterday..." kyoko replied.

"Oh it's fine. I knew you couldn't hear me anyways." Asahina smiled again. She really did seem like her old self, "We should get the others out now, I'm sure they have things they want to say too."

Keebo nodded. "I'll introduce myself when everyone's out." He turned and began opening Toko's box.

Toko waited eagerly as he pulled it open. She ran out as if she were dying of suffocation. This was a mistake as she lost balance and fell onto the floor.

Kyoko and Keebo helped her to her feet.

"You are going to need some time to get used to the Neck installment..." Keebo mentioned, "Your upper body needs to adjust for a little while longer."

"O-oh j-just shut up a-already..." Toko muttered angrily, "I w-was just d-dying in there!"

Toko's clothes had been repaired, her hair was a mess and she was nervous and snappy as ever. Around her neck was thin metal plating, which she clawed at anxiously.

"Hold on a moment... does Genocide Jill still exists?" Asahina asked curiously.

Keebo paused for a moment.

"Who?" He asked.

"Uh... you know, the crazy scissor lady?" Asahina prompted.

Toko was not happy at Asahina's comment but decided to ignore it for the time being.

Keebos eyes lit up.

"Oh! Yeah! She comes out whenever she sees blood or gets too much electricity in her system... oh and sheisn't actually called Genocide Jill... It's actually Genocider Sho."

"Huh? Really? She never mentioned that..." Asahina looked at the ground thoughtfully.

"C-can you all j-just shut u-up and r-release M-master?" Toko growled at them.

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