13. Replicating

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Keebo worked in a small factory of his own. He was working on something rather complex and difficult. At first he had found the task robophobic. He thought that because everyone immediately went to him as the one to complete it.

However he soon realized that he was probably the best one there for the job, Considering Miu Iruma was working on something else for the group.

He had been working on this project for a little less than three and a half months, and he finally seemed to be getting somewhere. All he had to do was hook up the machine and-

Knock Knock

"Hey Keebo! You in there?"

Kaede's voice called out to him from the other side of the door.

He quickly got up and opened the door for her.

"Yes. What's up?" Keebo asked in his slightly robotic tone.

"Maki needs you."

"Oh. All right. I will go. Plese, Make sure no one messes with my technology."

Kaede nodded and Keebo began heading off.

Maki turned as Keebo entered the room.

"Greetings." He said and looked over at her.

"Hello Keebo. I'm sorry to interrupt your work but I need you to do a quick scan for Kyoko."

Keebo stared at her for a moment before sighing. "Okay. I'll do my best."

His eyes glowed brightly and his antenne began rotating on his head.

"Kyoko Kirigiri is located near our back entrance. Shuichi and Makoto are with her." Keebo informed Maki. His eyes stopped glowing and his antenne halted.

Maki's eyes widened. "I'll get someone to help as soon as possible. You may continue your work."

Keebo turned around and walked back to his lab.

Maki quickly dialed a few of her friends to come help her gather Kyoko. Then she ran as quickly as she could to the back entrance.

There, she met up with Tenko Chabashira, Gonta Gokuhara and Korekiyo Shinguji. They all watched as Maki opened the door cautiously.

Kyoko and Shuichi Saihara were carrying Makoto, who had been tied up.

"Sorry for taking so long... We ran into complications along the way..." Shuichi apologized to them.

"You weren't followed?" Maki asked, glancing at Shuichi.

Shuichi responded nervously, "N-no I don't think so..."

"Alright. Get him in a cell." Maki instructed. They both nodded and carried him off.

"Degenerate males..." Tenko growled as they left, "They make things take three times as long."

"There's no need to be so harsh, Tenko." Maki said, she turned to glare at Tenko, who shuddered under her gaze.

"Speak for yourself..." Korekiyo murmured to Maki, "That death glare isn't exactly gentle..."

"Quiet." Maki demanded.

Gonta spoke up before they began arguing, "Gonta no think we should fight..."

Tenko sighed, "I hate to admit it but the degenerate is right. We shouldn't murder eachother over stupid things..."

"We all need to get back to work. There's no time to waste. We've finally managed to secure Naegi. This means our plan starts. I hope you all know your task?"

They all nodded at her.

"Good... Get to it."

As they all headed off in different directions, Maki sighed. In all honesty, she disliked being the one who led them all through this. She knew she had been the best candidate out of her classmates, but she still hated the responsibility of it. It made her feel like a kid again.

She heard an excited noise come from Keebo's lab. She looked at his door in wonder.

What on earth was that for-

Keebo flew out the door and stopped about a foot from her, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Maki! I have done it! The project is complete!"

"Wait really?" Maki was surprised. Keebo seemed upset by her reaction.

"Hey! Do you think I couldn't do it? Are you robophobic?!"

"No, I'm sorry, I just wasn't expecting-" Maki started but she stopped as she saw inside Keebo's lab, "...You really have done it..."

She walked into his lab and looked around at each of them. Names were listed beneath each clear container.

1. Aoi Asahina (Po) MC - 2/3

2. Byakuya Togami (Im) MC - 4/4

3. Toko Fukawa (De) MC - 5/4

4. Komaru Naegi (Po) MC - 3/4

5. Ryota Mitari (Po) MC - 6/4

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