11. A Chat Between Dark and Light

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Kyoko Kirigiri wasn't as worse for wear since Makoto had last seen her.

Back then, He had seen her get poisoned, before presumably getting stabbed and killed. Blood had even leaked from underneath the door.

She seemed to have healed herself from the poison somehow, yet there were still physical traits that had stuck with her. Purple veins covered the left side of her body and her eye still seemed a bit red. Her clothing style hadn't really changed, she just wore a suit and tie she had possibly grabbed from the Future Foundation's old headquarters above sea level. She still wore her gloves.

The most pronounced thing however, was the way she was looking at Makoto. Despite always hiding her emotions from people, her eyes were narrowed in something like Anger, Determination and Disgust.

Makoto ignored this as he interrogated her.

"Tell me how you escaped the Final Killing Game four months ago." He demanded of her.

She glared at him for a little while longer, before realizing he wasn't going to say anything more until she answered him.

"Simple. Munakata didn't stab me." She replied, but knew it wouldn't be enough to satisfy him.

Makoto stared at her, "You know, that really doesn't answer my question, detective."

He twirled the knife in his hands, "I only want your account... then I'll talk. I get what I want, You get what you want. Now spill it."

Kyoko glared at him before looking away.

"I got out of the way before Munakata could stab me through. His sword got stuck into the ground. While he tried to pull it out, I slashed his legs, and they bled like crazy. However he seemed too intent on killing you to notice. I had felt the poison effects coming quickly, so I took the cure I found on Seiko Kimura's body. I fell unconscious. The next thing I knew, I was lying down in a room from Future Foundation's original HQ above the surface. Somebody had helped me out of there alive."

She finished and closed her eyes.

"Huuuhhhhh... so that's how you escaped death for the third time..."

Makoto was grinning madly again.

"I see...Rather Lucky huh?...Well...you replied so...I will gladly answer all your questions now..."

He dropped his knife hand and turned to face Kyoko. She opened her eyes again, still glaring at him.

"Are you a remnant of despair?" She asked.

Makoto laughed slightly, "Well, I wouldn't say 'Remnant' But I am a member of Junko's despair group if that's what you mean..."

She considered this for a moment and then continued, "What are Junko's plans for the future?"

At this question, a knife zoomed past her head.

"You know I can't answer that. Only Junko knows what Junko's plans are. Ask her yourself."

Kyoko remained silent.

"How did you become 'Despair'?" She asked after a moment.

"Simple... all of your deaths... then I heard your voices in my head... Komaru...Asahina...Togami...Hagakure...Fukawa...You..." Makoto smiled as he said it, "Junko showed me how much despair really is delightful...I should show you sometime!"

Kyoko paused and glared at Makoto once more.

"I'm afraid I cannot allow this to continue." She stated.

Makoto looked up in confusion, "What? Why would you say that?"

"You're coming with me. Don't try to resist."

Makoto ignored her and brought out his knives, but just as he did so someone grabbed him from behind. He felt a sudden pain in his neck and he fell unconscious.

Kyoko glared at him.

"Let's go. We can't stay here for too long."

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