2. Neo World Programing

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Hajime was staring at someone much smaller than he was. He looked very familiar but he couldn't place his finger on it.

"Oh- I don't expect you remember me. I'm one of the people that brought you here. I'm here to check in on everyone and make sure things are going okay."

Hajime stared at the newcomer. He was pretty sure he'd remember seeing scars like those. He was quickly processing all data he could find on the man in front of him instinctively. Suddenly he recognized him. It had only taken this long since his face was almost unrecognizable. But those eyes...

Hajime blinked.

"Aren't you Makoto Neagi?"

"Oh you do remember!" Makoto laughed slightly. His scarred face contorted painfully, "Good. I won't have to make my usual introductions..."

Hajime stared at him blankly. It was weird. He sounded kind of like Nagito. He was most likely imagining things though. 

"What do you want?"

"Well, like I said, I'm checking in on everyone to make sure their okay-"

"You shouldn't be doing that. I can handle them. You don't seem that capable. Those scars are only a few weeks old. Aren't they painful? Shouldn't you be staying somewhere else?"

"Oh- well... I would but... I don't have anywhere to return to." Makoto's voice seemed to lower a bit and his eyes glanced downwards. 

"Well why stay here? We don't have cabins here for you. You can't stay."

Makoto sighed, "Alright. It does look like you guys are holding up well. I'll leave... But let me know if anything bad happens. I'll be sure to be there."

Makoto walked out and closed the door behind him.

"That was weird... Makoto wasn't supposed to come check on us today... I think..." Chiaki pointed out, clearly she had overheard their conversation, even if she was focused on her game.

"Hmm..." Hajime stared at the door for a moment. Then turned around to head back to the couch.

"He certainly seemed cheerful for what he just went through." Chiaki said.

This statement was predictable but at the same time, Hajime was confused by it. 

"What do you mean?"

"He was one of the only survivors of that killing game... and I know his friends were trapped inside there as well... all of them died..." Chiaki murmured. She finally looked up from her game and stared at Hajime, "We went through that too. But he's had to do it twice.'

Hajime couldn't imagine doing it twice. Once was already painful. Then again, all of Hajime's friends had lived, and had their memories were wiped of the events. 

Hajime checked the clock. 

"I'm gonna go talk a walk. Alright?"

"Sure thing Hajime. I'll be here doing the usual." Chiaki returned to her game, she heard Hajime shut the door behind him. 

She put the game away after a few seconds. She stood up and sat down by the window, looking outside. She sighed in disappointment.

Only a few more hours...

Hajime walked around the main island. He saw Ibuki, Mahiru and Hiyoko hanging out by the beach. He passed Nagito who appeared to be chatting with a very stubborn seagull about Hope, and he noticed Akane and Nekomaru fighting out by the beach house. 

The Future was Bleak (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now