10. Reuniting Opposites

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Nagito wasn't sure what was happening. One moment he was going down an elevator, the next he found himself face to face with the ultimate Hope himself, Caring Chiaki Nanami in his arms.

"Oh... seems I'm pretty lucky...I didn't even have to go that far to find you guys!"

Izuru just walked around Nagito and waited as the elevator doors closed and it began rising. Nagito started to talk to Izuru about hope but Izuru ignored him.

Chiaki finally mumbled, "Where...are the others?"

Nagito looked up at her before answering, "They should be asleep in their cabins... Wait a moment. If I'm not mistaken, You're an AI program... How are you physical all of a sudden?...If you don't mind me asking..."

Chiaki thought for a moment.

"The last thing I remember is being put to sleep by Mikan in that dark room...I don't know how... But i'm able to feel geniune emotions again...and I can feel objects and temperature... Before they were all just readings on a screen... I didn't actually feel anything, I was just programmed to seem like I did..."

Chiaki's voice faded off. They had gotten to the top of the lift.

"That was quicker than I expected..." Nagito pointed out.

Izuru remained silent as they stepped outside into the bright light. Chiaki covered her eyes.

It became clear that some of their classmates became aware of Hajime and Chiaki's disappearance. Mahiru, Hiyoko and Ibuki were walking on the beach shouting out their names. Chiaki questioned why because her AI hadn't even been able to access outside anyways.

They noticed Izuru coming towards them and froze. They backed away in fear.

Izuru stopped a few feet away from them. They noticed Chiaki.

"Who are you?" Mahiru asked nervously.

Ibuki cried out, "Where did you come from? Why is Nagito with you?"

"Is that Chiaki?" Hiyoko pointed out

Izuru just stared at them. They became more nervous.

"This is the ultimate hope!" Nagito said, introducing Izuru, "Hajime must have let him out...oh...yes that is Chiaki" He added as an afterthought.

"Hey guys..." Chiaki mumbled. She tugged on Izuru's arm and he set her on the ground carefully. She wobbled a little but became steady after a bit of work, "It's me..."

They all stared at her before bursting out in excitement.

"We were so worried!"

"Are you guys okay?!"

"We have to get the others!"

All three of them scrambled in different directions to find their classmates.

"They sure do seem excited..." Chiaki noted.

Izuru walked next to Chiaki, "We need to bring you to the cottages. You need rest."

"No, i'm fine.." Chiaki protested, even as her eyelids flickered.

"This isn't up for debate."


Chiaki allowed Izuru to carry her to his cottage to sleep.

Makoto Naegi smirked,"What? Not gonna talk? Then again, you always were the quiet one."

He slowly walked nearer to the intruder.

"You want information right? Clues? Answers?" He asked of them, "Well too bad. Before I answer anything you have to say, I want you to answer my questions first."

He came right up to their face before turning on his heel and walking away, keeping his back towards them.

"It's a fair trade, right? You were always one for fair. Always like seeing both sides of the situation evenly... mysterious as always... you never cease to amaze me..."

He turned back around quickly, pointing another knife at them.

"So do tell me, Kyoko Kirigiri. Tell me how you escaped the Final Killing Game four months ago."

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