Part 1

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"Noooooo" y/n groans as she covers her head with a pillow


Y/n rolls over to read 6:54 am "It's too early for this"  Y/n groans as she smacks her alarm clock

"Y/N GET YOUR ASS UP OR YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" a familiar voice you know as your brother Keishin shouts from the 1st floor

"I'M UP" Y/n replies rubbing her eyes and yawning from lack of sleep "why did I decide to stay up till 3 reading Manga when I knew I had school tomorrow?" Y/n questions her life choices

"SHIT, that's right I have my first day of high school today" y/n says as she rushes to get ready as she only has about 30 minutes to do so.

Y/n is a first year at Karasuno High. She doesn't know anyone there but decided, more like was forced, to go to Karasuno because everyone in her family went there. Unlike most of her family, she wasn't that into Volleyball, she'd much rather stay inside and listen to her music, but because of her family she was forced into the sport. Because she was used to playing with guys, in middle school she was on the guys volleyball team, and this year was no different. She had special permission to be able to join the boys volleyball team instead of the girls. She wasn't really looking forward to it but decided to make the best out of high school and try to enjoy it.

Y/n rushed down the stairs at 7:27 to see if Keishin had fixed breakfast for her, but no surprise there was a granola bar and a carton of milk sitting on the counter for her "breakfast of champions" she mumbled as she took the two items. "BYE, I'LL MEET YOU AT THE STORE" Y/n yelled to her brother


"I WILL AND LOVE YOU TOO" y/n yells as she shuts the door and heads to Karasuno high

~ at the school ~

"Class 1-2, class 1-3, hmmmm, class 1-4! Found it!" Y/n says to herself. She walks into her class and finds her seat. Not to long after a tall blond and a freckled boy come into the class catching y/n's eye Didn't they turn in there applications for the volleyball club same time I did? She thought to herself. She got a better look at them and realized they were so she decided to introduce herself.

She turned to the pair and spoke "Hi! My names Ukai Y/n, I saw you two turn in your volleyball applications same time I did and thought I'd introduce myself sense we might be teammates" y/n says as she nervously rubs the back of her neck and light pink hue dusts her cheeks once she was talking to them she got a better look at the two. Both boys where handsome but the blond stuck out to her more.

"We're going for the boys team, I would thought that would be clear" the blond says as he pushes up his glasses and pulls out a book

Y/n rubs the back of her neck more with the light pink dusting becoming more prominent across her cheeks "oh I know, I am as well, I've played with guys my whole life annnnnd they thought I played to rough to play with the girls so I got special permission to apply to the boys team" she chuckled nervously

"Oh! That's cool, my name is Yamaguchi Tadashi!" The freckled boy who y/n now realized had greenish hair smiled and pointed to his friend? Y/n wasn't quite sure yet "and this is Tsukishima Kei"

"There's no need to introduce me Tadashi, I can do it myself" the blond said without looking up from his book

"Sorry Tsuki" the freckled boy chuckled embarrassedly while rubbing the back of his neck

"Where you going to introduce yourself? You look pretty engrossed in that book of yours" y/n said in a sassy tone

"Probably not, I don't associate with your type of people" he said still not looking up from his book

"What do you mean "my type of people"?!" Y/n said irritated at the blond

He stood up and walked to where he was inches away from y/n. He patted her on the head and leaned down to where his face was inches, no centimeters from your face and said "you're tiny" then straightened himself and walked back to his seat continuing to read his book. Y/n was about to retaliate when their teacher came in and started class I'll get you back, mark my words you stupid giant she thought to herself. What she didn't see was Tsukishima glanced at her as soon as the lesson started, not knowing why but he just wanted to look at you.

~ later that day~

The two third years of the volleyball club along with a second year met with their manger to collect the applications for the volleyball club.

"Here, these are all the current applicants." The female manager said

"Thanks. There's not very many, didn't we used to get more of these?" The third year captain said

"I'm sure more will come, Daichi" the other third year replied

"You're looking radiant today Kiyoko." The nearly bald second year complemented the manager but she ignored him and walked away "gahhhh I love when she ignores me."

"Look Suga, N/n (nickname) is finally in high school and she's applying for the team." Daichi smiles and turned to his vice captain

"Wait, why'd she apply to the boys team? Is that even aloud?" The grey haired boy questioned

"I forgot to tell you, she got special permission to apply for the boys team instead of the girls because she played to rough" the captain laughed

"Awesome! This years gonna be a good one for the volleyball club then!" Suga smiled brightly


Word count: 1013

Hiya! Hope you enjoyed the first part! Thanks for reading!
~ Joanna 💕

{Peanut}  [book 1: Is it love or hate?] (Tsukishima kei x Reader) 𑁍completed𑁍Where stories live. Discover now